Friday, August 8, 2008



Does This Cults Teaching Reflect Reality?

Questions we could ask to use this test could be, "Is this teaching (or author or witness) consistent?" First is the teaching consistent with itself? When we make this evaluation we need to be inclusive. This means that we don't just study from the material they give us. All facts must be examined and considered.

Cults very often package their materials so as to cause one to overlook certain glaring problems. At every step we need to verify all the facts that are available for verification.

Some things they will say must be accepted by faith. But of the things that you can verify, will they stand up under careful scrutiny? Here is a good rule, if everything you can investigate falls apart under scrutiny, it is safe to assume that everything they want you to accept by faith will also fall apart. It is important that we make our investigation based on an assumption: a universal body of truth exists in God that is reliable throughout his creation. There is nowhere in creation where his laws are suspended.

1. Mormon claim humans can become a God.
2. Islamic claim those who are martyred for will die and receive 70 virgins.
3. Scientology’s claim you can find relief from guilty feelings using an E-Meter.

Gal 1:8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! (NAU)

Paul is using the plural “we” to evidence the growing number of apostolic letters that were being treasured in the early church. The early church was outnumbered in their world. They had a hunger for these apostolic messages we now call our New Testament. Today in the post modern church age we have lost that early hunger probably because all of us have dozens of Bibles laying around that we ignore.


2 Cor 11:13-15 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds. (NAU)

Paul associates Satan v14 with both the content of these false messages as well as being their energy source allowing them to grow so fast. False apostles v13 comes from the single word pseudapostolos which means a spurious apostle, or a pretended preacher. Friberg says this word defines one without a divine commission for the office (2 Cor 11.13).

The words disguising themselves v13 comes from metaschematizo which defines them as a meta schemer. In the very next verse Paul uses the same exact word to describe Satan. Friberg says this word means (1) physically, as changing the outward form of someth. transform, transfigure, change (PH 3.21); (2) mid. as altering the outward scheme of things so as to deceive transform oneself, disguise oneself (2C 11.14); (3) as illustrating someth. w. the help of a figure of speech adapt, apply, transfer (1C 4.6). The verb defining Satan’s work is in the ongoing present indicative which evidences two things about Satan. First that he never stops. Second his message will be very believable.


Eph 5:11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them. (NAU)

Both Greek verbs don’t participate sugkoinwne,w sugkoinoneo in their sin and expose evle,gcw elegcho their darkness by shining a light are in the ongoing present active imperative grammar. Paul warned the church to both avoid this practice and work hard to bring others out whether they are in the church or outside of God’s safe covenant.

False Teachers are Dangerous. Following Mormon leaders blindly led many to kill hundreds at Mountain Meadow's Massacre. Study Sandra Tanner's 6 minute video using the click below. This year a full length motion picture called September Dawn was released 2007. This video can be rented and purchased at all major video stores.

This film has been so important to the current LDS leaders they for the first time changed their approach. They quit being in denial. See this local news story. Film makers have helped us as Paul said in 1 Tim 1:18-19 to fight the good fight against this group.


1 Tim 1:18-19 … fight the good fight, 19. keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith. (NAU)

Paul used this word strateuomai when he commanded Timothy to enter the battle. Friberg says it means (1) lit. perform military service, serve as a soldier, go to fight (1C 9.7); (2) metaph. of intensified spiritual warfare brought about by the presence of evil; (a) pos. of a Christian worker resist evil, struggle against evil forces (2C 10.3; 1T 1.18).

Paul didn’t include that word to define an easy struggle. That struggle is needed because some who claim to be Christian leaders have not in fact remained in the faith or allowed their faith to elevate their ethical standards. Because of this Paul says they have shipwrecked nauageo their faith. Friberg says we can spot these leaders because this will define their lives be shipwrecked (2C 11.25); fig. as failing to continue to live w. a clear conscience be spiritually ruined, give up believing, no longer believe (1T 1.19).


Rev 22:18-19 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; 19. and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book. (NAU)

The angel John was speaking with quoted this passage from the safety of the Mosaic Law.

Deut 4:2 "You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. (NAU)

Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Notes: [Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you]-- by the introduction of any pagan superstition, or forms of worship different from those which I have appointed Num. 15:39; 1 Chr. 12:32; Matt. 15:9. [Neither shall ye diminish ought from it]-- by the neglect or omission of any of the observances, however trivial or irksome, which I have prescribed. The character and provisions of the ancient dispensation were adapted with divine wisdom to the instruction of that infant state of the congregation. But it was only a temporary economy; and although God here authorizes Moses to command that all its institutions should be honoured with unfailing observance, this did not prevent Him from commissioning other prophets to alter or abrogate them when the end of that dispensation was attained.

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