Monday, August 4, 2008

Does Your Church Follow the Right Jesus?

Mic 5:2, Jn 8:58, Isa 40:3; Col 1:16-17, 2:9; Rev 1:8, Jn 1:1-3, 14; Jn 9:35-39; Phil 2:6-11.The evidence for the integrity of prophesy itself is associated with claims of deity. Isa 49:9-10; 41:21-23; Num 23:19 Jesus claimed to be Messiah God from Old Testament. Lk 24:27, 44 Paul agreed. Acts 28;23 Peter agreed Acts 10:43 John agreed. Jn 5:39 Philip agreed. Jn 1:45 Luke agreed. Lk 24:25 Isaiah said Messiah’s name was God with us. Isa 7:14 Isaiah said Messiah was Mighty God. Isa 9:6-7 Micah called Eternal. Mic 5:2 Isaiah said Messiah would be born of a virgin mother. Isa 7:14 The psalmist said Messiah would be seated as God in heaven. Ps 110:1 Another psalmist said He was worshiped as God. Ps 95:6-7 Isaiah said there would be a forerunner for Messiah calling Messiah both LORD and God. Isa 40:3. Christ made covenant appearances with his preincarnate body Jn 5:22 cf. Ps 9:7-8 often as the Angel of Yahweh Gen 16:7-13, Gen 22:11-18, Gen 32:24-32, Ex 24:9-11, Ex 40:38, Ex 33:9-23, Josh 5:13-15; Ezek 1:1-28; Dan 10:1-21. Messianic passages link full deity Ex 6:7.

2. JESUS IS FULLY HUMAN. the fact that he is main work is redemption Isa 44:6 which makes it necessary that he come as a human being to die in our place. We see this as a prophetic theme running through the entire Old Testament. Jesus was the “Seed” of the woman Gen 3:15 having a human lineage in the Bible. Messiah had a birthplace in Bethlehem Mic 5:2. Isaiah said He would be born of a virgin. Isa 7:14; 9:6-7. He will also predicted to be a son of king David 2 Sam 7:11, 14 which he fulfilled. The psalmist said Messiah would be visited by “magi” after His birth. Ps 72:10 Malachi said He would have a human forerunner who Gospel writers even say was humanly a distant relative of Jesus. Mal 3:1 The psalmist described Messiah as a Son. Ps 2:7 Messiah was to come as Prophet Deu 18:15-19, Priest 1 Sam 2:35, and King. Zech 9:9 Isaiah prophesied Messiah would die a sacrificial death Isa 52:14, 53:5 as the suffering servant of Yahweh his death is associated with Messiah also proving his full humanity Isa 41:8; 42:1-7,19; 43:8,10; 44:1, 21; 49:3-6; 50:4-9; 52:13-53.

3. JESUS IS SELF-EXISTENT Isaiah prophesied Messiah would be fully God. Isa 9:6; Isa 40:3 Micah said Messiah is eternal. Mic 5:2 Messiah’s kingdom is to endure forever. Ps 45:6 Messiah would be both a corner stone and foundation stone of the church. Isa 28:14-18. His self existence is best evidenced by his creative works. He stood outside of time, space, and matter creating the entire universe Gen 1, Jn 1:1-4, 14; Col 1:16-17 cf. Rom 11:36; 1 Cor 8:6; Heb 1:2, 10-12; Rev 4:11; 10:6; 14:7. Another important evidence of that self existence can be seen in the way he voluntarily chose to leave his place of glory with his Father to come to earth to accomplish God’s plan Phil 2:5-11. When Jesus identified himself with the I Am sayings of the Mosaic law he identified himself fully as being part of Israel’s complex but only true God Exod 3:14 cf. Jn 8:58.

4. JESUS IS FULLY ETERNAL Micah called Eternal. Mic 5:2 Isaiah called Him Everlasting Father. Isa 9:6 Messiah’s kingdom is to endure forever. Ps 45:6 Messiah’s priesthood is eternal. Ps 110:4 Messiah was to be “King” forever. 2 Sam 7:11-16. We see him busy long before his incarnation at Bethlehem. Jn 8:58, Mic 5:2, Isa 9:6, Jn 1:1-3, 14; Rev 13:8; Col 1:17; Rev 1:8. Because we see Jesus associated with the proper personal name Yahweh Isa 44:6 this proves he is both unchangeable and eternal. Because Jesus also linked himself to the I Am sayings this is more similar prove of Christ’s eternality Exod 3:14 cf. Jn 8:58. Yahweh Shammah Ex 34:28; Ezek 48:35 was there in eternity past, at His birth in Zion, and is the name of the holy city in eternity future. Yahweh Sabaoth 2 Sam 6:2 is seen as Christ in eternity past, at Bethlehem, and in eternity future. El Olam Gen 21:33 defines Jesus as being infinitely God in eternity past and future. 'Ab 'Ad defines Christ as being the Everlasting Father.

5. JESUS IS OMNIPOTENT Moses prophesied that when Messiah came he would be strong enough to crush Satan’s head. Gen 3:15 Moses also predicted Messiah’s work as a prophet would be evidence that would prove his deity because those prophecies would come to pass. Deu 18:15-19 Isaiah foretold Messiah would perform powerful miracles Isa 35:5-6 all four gospel writers witnessed. The psalmist identified Messiah with creative work that made the universes creation look like mere finger play. Ps 8:3 He also predicted Messiah’s power to forgive sins and work out our salvation which took the “arm of Yahweh.” Isa 59:1 Isaiah identified Messiah as being fully God thus having all of the attributes of God. Isa 9:6; 43:1-11; 45:15-18, 21-23; 61:1-3. These creative works were all accomplished before his incarnation at Bethlehem. Gen 1, Jn 1:1-4, 14; Col 1:16-17 cf. Rom 11:36; 1 Cor 8:6; Heb 1:2, 10-12; Rev 4:11; 10:6; 14:7. In addition we see his ability to preserve the universe proves his omnipotence Col 1:17 cf. Ps 33:9. In addition it was predicted that Messiah would have the same power God used for caring for and delivering Israel. Isa 43:1-11; 45:15-18, 21-23; 61:1-3; Heb 13:8; Col 2:9; Mt 28:18; power to forgive sin, save, preserve heal and cast out demons: Mt 9:6, Lk 8:25, Mk 1:29-34; Heb 7:25; 2 Tim 1:12.

6. JESUS IS OMNIPRESENT It was predicted long before his incarnation at Bethlehem that Messiah would be fully God which included his omnipresence Isa 9:6, 40:3 cf. Heb 13:8. Yahweh Shammah Gen 12:7; Ex 24:12; Ezek 48:35 points to Jesus being there both in eternity past and future. Yahweh Ra’ah Ps 23:1 is Jesus as true shepherd who must shepherd millions and answer prayers simultaneously at one time Gen 48:15; Ps 23:1, 28:9; Isa 40:11; Hos 4:16. We see his full deity including omnipresence being evident to everyone who witnessed his life story Jn 1:1, Col 1:17, Isa 9:6, Heb 13:8; Mt 28:20 The fact that he promised to be actively indwelling every believer is another clear proof of this aspect of his deity Jn 14:18, 20, 23; cf. Nathaniel’ testimony Jn 1:48. Even though His humanity required him to add a physical component to his being this seeming locality never came into conflict with either his full humanity or his full deity. We did see him necessarily choose to not openly display his glory until the Father’s plan, including the death of his physical body, was fulfilled Phil 2:5-11.

7. JESUS IS OMNISCIENT Messiah’s work as a prophet was predicted long before his incarnation at Bethlehem. Deu 18:15-19 Isaiah said cosmic government is upon Messiah’s shoulders. Isa 9:6; 45:20-23, 46:9-10 All of this evidenced He was omniscient. Isa 45:20-23, 46:9-10; Heb 13:8; Jn 2:25; 6:64; 13:1; 16:30; 18:4; 19:28; 21:17; Col 2:3; 1 Cor 1:30. As Yahweh Yireh Gen 22:14 Jesus is all seeing and knowing. As Yahweh Ra’ah Ps 23:1 Jesus is predicted to be that true shepherd who must shepherd millions and answer prayers simultaneously at one time Gen 48:15; Ps 23:1, 28:9; Isa 40:11; Hos 4:16. Messianic predictions associating Christ with the name El Deot 1 Sam 2:3 is evidence for Jesus omniscient knowledge Job 10:7; Ps 139:6; Prov 3:20; Ps 139:1-18. We see his full deity including omniscience being evident to everyone who witnessed his life story Jn 1:1, Col 1:17, Isa 9:6, Heb 13:8; Mt 28:20 cf. Nathaniel’ testimony Jn 1:48.

8. JESUS IS IMMUTABLE Malachi predicted long before Messiah’s incarnation at Bethlehem that the coming Messiah would be LORD and would never changes Mal 3:6. The Psalmist also predicted Messiah was unchanging Ps 102:25-27 which the author of Hebrews says was fulfilled in Christ’s coming Heb 1:10-12 cf. Heb 13:8. Yahweh Yireh Gen 22:14 provides constancy in all seeing and providing in eternity past and future. Yahweh Sabaoth 2 Sam 6:2 was as omnipotent God in eternity past, at Bethlehem, and in eternity future proving he did not change.

9. JESUS IS FULLY SINLESS Messiah was predicted to be holy and righteous long before his incarnation at Bethlehem. We see his holiness being predicted by the use of Yahweh - m'Kaddesh Lev 20:8; Isa 6:3. This names associates the coming Messiah with the personal proper name for Israel’s God Yahweh who is declared holy in the most absolute terms in this contexts. Yahweh Elohim told Moses to remove his shoes because His presence was holy. Yahweh m’Kaddesh means Jesus is absolutely holy meaning He is without sin which also means He is free of frailties common to man. We see his righteous predicted by his association with Yahweh Tsidkenu Jer 23:6. Yahweh Tsidkenu means He is absolutely righteous meaning He is without sin. In addition we see Messiah often being called the Holy One Isa 54:5. One of Messiah’s primary duties is to be Isaiah’s suffering servant of Yahweh. This means he had to be absolutely sin free and blemish free Ex 29:1. When we see the predicted Messiah associated with the name El Emet Ps 31:5 this predicts when we see Messiah we will know him because he is absolutely truthful. Messiah is also associated with the name Shemesh Tsedaqah Mal 4:2 which evidences when he comes all of his activities will be completley just and right all the way to his final second coming in glory and power.

10. JESUS IS SUBORDINATE TO THE FATHER Isaiah prophesied long before Messiah’s incarnation at Bethlehem that he would be a “Servant of Yahweh.” Isa 42:1-7 cf 49:1-7 Isaiah also called Messiah the “Suffering Servant.”Isa 52-53:21 We see Messiah being associated with sonship Ps 2:7. As the suffering “servant” of Yahweh we see his submission including his own death Isa 41:8; 42:1-7,19; 43:8,10; 44:1, 21; 49:3-6; 50:4-9; 52:13—53. The psalmist recorded Messiah’s prayer language to the Father Ps 22 which we later see in the Gospels being lived out. Because of this we see Jesus subordination to his Father as a theme in the New Testament Heb 1:5-8; Jn 4:34; 5:19, 30; 6:38-40, 65; 8:28-29; 12:44-50; 16:23-28; 17:1-26.

11. JESUS PLANNED TO COME TO EARTH FROM HEAVEN AS A MAN Before his incarnation at Bethlehem. Jn 1:1-3, 14; 3:13, 16; 6:58; 8:42; 16:27-28; Phil 2:5-11; Rev 13:8. Isaiah said Messiah would be a "Servant of Yahweh." Isa 42:1-7 cf 49:1-7 These Messianic promises were tied to sonship Ps 2:7 which we see first as the “seed of the woman” in Gen 3:15, again as being born of a virgin Isa 9:6, again being a son of king David 2 Sam 7:11, 14. As suffering servant of Yahweh his death fulfills God’s will for humanity Jn 3:16; cf. Isa 41:8; 42:1-7,19; 43:8,10; 44:1, 21; 49:3-6; 50:4-9; 52:13-53; 53:11; Ezek 34:23-24; Zech 3:8.

12. JESUS WAS RESURRECTED. Long before his incarnation at Bethlehem we see many Messianic predictions that define Messiah’s death also define His resurrection. The psalmist predicted Messiah would not see decay in his grave Ps 16:10. Thousands of New Testament witnesses agreed that this prophecy was fulfilled Acts 2:25; 13:34-37. This fact proved the uniniqueness of Messiah as the Son of God and did much to energize the primitive church. The Jews in the Old Testament had hope for such a resurrection we should not be surprised that Messiah would embody that hope. Isa 26:19; Dan 12:2; Job 19:25-26; 14:13-15.

13. JESUS’ SACRIFICE IS SUFFICIENT Messianic predictions long before his incarnation at Bethlehem all agreed when Messiah came he would offer a safe, eternal relationship with God. We can see this in the way his offering was predicted to remove guilt and restore peace with God. Isa 53:5 We see the Psalmist predicting Messiah would be a qualified priest forever. Ps 110:4 Job’s testimony included a hope for a future Messiah as Redeemer. Job 19:25 Malachi predicted Messiah would be called the Sun of Righteousness because of the way it would shine out for the whole world Mal 4:2. When we see Messiah being associated with Yahweh Yireh Gen 22:14 it defines our salvation as a full provision because this is the same name associated with the God who prepared coverings for the sins of Adam and Eve Gen 3:21. When we see Messiah associated with Yahweh Rapha it defines full salvation Exod 15:26; Ps 30:2; 103:3; Jer 3:22; Isaiah 53:5. This was expecially helpful in Num 12:1-16 when we see this Messianic name associated with the fiery serpent on the pole, Num 21:5-9 which Jesus associates with eternal life Jn 3:14-15 cf. Rev 12:11;Jn 3:16; 5:24; 6:38-40; 10:27-29; 17:3, 12. That pole is a type for the cross Jesus Christ was executed on in fulfillment of the Father’s plan Jn 3:11-17. Yahweh Shalom Judges 6:24; Isa 9:6; Isa 61:1-2 who foreshadows a fullness of peace with God through Christ. The Messianic name Yahweh Tsidkenu defines the right standing that can only be imputed by God Jer 23:6; Ps 19:9 cf. Deu 4:8; 1 Cor 1:30, 2 Cor 5:21. When we see the Messianic name Yahweh m’Kaddesh it associates holiness or sanctification as the pathway to the Christian life Lev 21:8; Isa 6:3; 54:5; Hos 11:9; Ps 22:3-5; cf. 1 Pet 1:16. When we see the Messianic name Yahweh Shammah it predicts when Messiah comes he will be God as fully present between the cherubim above the altar of the Mercy Seat Gen 12:7; Ex 24:12; Ezek 48:35. This is the present place of work that Christ is doing for his church. When we see Messiah associated with the name Tsur – Yeshuah Deut 32:15; Isa 49:8 it predicts the way Messiah will be the only safe rock of our salvation.

14. JESUS IS ASCENDED BACK TO EARTH IN A GLORIFIED STATE Long before his incarnation in Bethlehem the Psalmist predicted Messiah would ascend into heaven Ps 68:18; 24:7-10; 47:5; 110:1. Elsewhere we see his predicted glory to be associated with as a royal kingship that was to be eternal lasting forever 2 Sam 7:11-16. We see other predictions from the Law Lev. 16:14 which taught us by the way the high priest observed the Day of Atonement. On that day alone he took the blood of the sacrifice into the holy of holies and there sprinkled the mercy seat Lev. 16:14. To do this the priest had to remove all his most costly valuable robes and enter wearing only a white garment. Most Jews believed this was to teach the way Messiah was meant to leave heaven and come to earth to fulfill God’s plan. This predcits how Christ on the day of resurrection, having fulfilled that sacrificial work completely, returned to heaven John 14:2 to present the blood of sacrifice in heaven itself and in this way applied the blood to the heavenly altar John 20:17 and Hebrews 9:6-20. Luke 9:51; John 6:62; John 7:33; John 14:12, 28; John 16:5, 10, 16, 17, 28. Later we see Paul teach this in more detail in Phil 2:5-11.

15. JESUS IS RETURNING IN A SECOND COMING. Long before Messiah’s birth in Bethlehem, we see many predictions about the Great Tribulation period Jer. 30:5; Dan. 9:27 which was to be followed by the coming of Messiah in power and glory. Moses predicted Messiah would return in association with Israel’s return from captivity Deu 30:3 As we study all Messianic prophecy we see no Old Testament prophet foretelling Messiah will return to a peaceful idyllic earth under subjection by God’s people. Instead we see them all testify to a glorious coming which rescues Israel from vicious enemies at the close of the seven year “great tribulation” period. We see Jesus confirming this in his Olivet Discourse. The earliest one we see understanding anything about this event was Enoch from who predicted Messiah’s second coming Jude 1:14-15.

Study Questions:
is the Jesus presented at your church anything like the Jesus from the Bible? Today too many treat Jesus as a dead leader who they loyally follow. Is Jesus Lordship active today because He is Alive and present in your church? Or are people where you attend just playing church? Do leaders in your church follow John the Baptist's motto? John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease." (NAU)

Does your church tell the truth about the consequences for following the wrong Jesus?

Mt 7:24-27 "Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn't collapse, because its foundation was on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of Mine and doesn't act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 The rain fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. And its collapse was great!" (HCSB)

Only two courses of action are possible - two kinds of roads and gates (Mt 7:13-14), two kinds of trees and fruit (vv. 15-20), two kinds of foundations and builders (vv. 24-27).

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