Sunday, September 6, 2009

Obama Admin Attacks Israel over West Bank Settlements

Wicki notes: In the Torah (Tanakh or Old Testament), the term Promised land is used tjo define the geographic area on everyone's map that is called Land of Canaan, Land of Israel and Promised land.  The Bible defines that promised land to include Judaism's holiest cities [669 times] which include Jerusalem and others since the time Abraham began to be associated with the Jews. In the Hebrew Bible, Jerusalem and the Holy Land are considered a divine gift, part of several covenants. Jerusalem has long been embedded into Jewish religious consciousness.  The Western Wall of the Temple Mount, nicknamed the "wailing wall", is the holiest site to Jews and a site of pilgrimage for centuries. From the first century on Christians, the concept of a Holy Land is derived from the renaming of the Land of Canaan as the Land of Israel (e.g. Genesis 15:18-21). The Holy Land is also significant in Christianity because of the lands association as the place of birth, ministry, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, who Christians regard as the Saviour or Messiah. One of Jesus' most important final teachings called the Olivet Discourse links prophecies from Daniel to prove Jesus will one day return to that holy mount. Jihadist's did not rip the holy land away from Christians until a very bloody series of wars in the 6th century AD they call the Crusades. 

Date: September 4 2009 13:32

By Daniel Dombey in Washington and Vita Bekker in Jerusalem

Published: September 4 2009 13:32 | Last updated: September 4 2009 21:55


Q: What Happened to Obama's Promises to Protect Israel???

The Obama administration attacked Israel on Friday for giving the green light to the building of hundreds of new homes in the occupied West Bank even as the two sides negotiate a freeze on settlement construction.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, is set to approve the new homes in the coming days, a move that appears aimed at softening opposition within his rightwing Likud party to a temporary settlement freeze.

An official close to Mr Netanyahu who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the issue said the PM would consider freezing building “for a few months” only after giving the green light to the construction of the new units for Jewish settlers.

“We regret the reports of Israel’s plans to approve additional settlement construction,” said Robert Gibbs, White House spokesman. “The US does not accept the legitimacy of continued settlement expansion and we urge that it stop. We are working to create a climate in which negotiations can take place, and such actions make it harder to create such a climate.”

George Mitchell, the Middle East envoy for Barack Obama, the US president, is due in Israel next week to continue the settlements negotiations, which Washington hopes will facilitate a resumption of stalled peace talks with the Palestinians.

The Obama administration has indicated it could sign up to less than the complete freeze on new building that it has demanded. “In a negotiation, people always stake out a variety of positions,” a state department spokesman said on Thursday. “Will that be the final position? Who knows?”

The Israeli official said the new expansion would be in addition to some 2,500 units already being built in the West Bank. None of the new homes will be in East Jerusalem, which Palestinians want as the capital of their future state.

According to the Israeli official, a suspension of construction would be authorised only if the “conditions are right”, including if Arab countries made efforts to normalise ties with the Jewish state.

The US has sought to persuade Arab states to make gestures to Israel, such as allowing it to open local trade offices and organising meetings between Israeli and Arab officials.

Mr Netanyahu is under pressure from members of his own party and from the pro-settler, rightwing allies in his governing coalition to resist the call for a settlement freeze.

Israeli media have suggested Mr Mitchell and Mr Netanyahu could announce an agreement next week ahead of a possible summit between Mr Netanyahu, Mr Obama and Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority president, during the United Nations General Assembly late this month.

However, Palestinians have so far resisted taking part in such a meeting, insisting that only a total freeze on construction would prompt the resumption of peace talks.

Nabil Abu Rdainah, an aide to Mr Abbas, was quoted by Reuters as saying that “a partial settlement freeze is not enough”.

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Unknown said...

What people don't understand is that this promise by God of the "land" of Israel was a spiritual promise of the figurative "land"= kingdom of God. God spoke in parables. Has anyone in the present day Jewish community, or swendfiesense does it?: to go into captivity on purpose. It's because God was playing out the parable, figurative story of leaving Israel, figuratively the kingdom of God - not literally!!!!!
Read more at . Without understanding that God spoke in parables, and, to paraphrase, without a parable He didn't speak, you'll never understand the Bible. Thus God's wrath is completely on the churches today.

I'm Matt by the way. Drop me a line on myspace:

or via email

Unknown said...

Somehow the above got mis-typed when editing: And I didn't explain myself as clear as I wanted either, so here goes:

The sentence was supposed to read:

Has anyone in the present day Jewish community, or the churches today for that matter wondered why the people of Judah were commanded by God through Jeremiah to go into captivity on purpose. And that those who escaped to Egypt or who stayed in Judah were actually defying God. It doesn't seem to make sense, does it? It's because God was playing out the parable, figurative story of leaving Israel, figuratively the REPRESENTATION of the kingdom of God on earth - which is the churches. TO COME OUT OF THE CHURCHES INTO THE WORLD, until coming back in to the actual kingdom of God, for which the "land" of Israel is used by God to spiritually represent it. Not LITERALLY