Thursday, November 6, 2008
Is America Slidding from Liberty?
Sliding from Liberty to Serfdom?
Today as an amazing 70% landslide moved our nation into a generation of change we need to ask ourselves some important questions?
Study Question:
Q: what is liberty?
A: Liberty, the freedom to act or believe without being stopped by unnecessary force, is generally considered in modern time to be a concept of political philosophy and identifies the condition in which an individual has the right to act according to his or her own will.
Sources for Liberty: John Stuart Mill, in his work, On Liberty, was the first to recognize the difference between liberty as the freedom to act and liberty as the absence of coercion. In his book, Two Concepts of Liberty, Isaiah Berlin formally framed the differences between these two perspectives as the distinction between two opposite concepts of liberty: positive liberty and negative liberty. The latter designates a negative condition in which an individual is protected from tyranny and the arbitrary exercise of authority, while the former refers to having the means or opportunity, rather than the lack of restraint, to do things. John Stuart Mill. "On Liberty" 21-22. Oxford University. Retrieved on 2008-02-27.
Q: what are the safe limits for liberty?
John Stuart Mill offered insight into the notions of soft tyranny and mutual liberty with his harm principle.[1] Overall, it is important to understand these concepts when discussing liberty since they all represent little pieces of the greater puzzle known as freedom. In a philosophical sense, morality must supersede tyranny in any legitimate form of government. Otherwise, people are left with a societal system rooted in backwardness, disorder, and regression.
A: Mill says I should be free to do any work as long as it doesn’t do harm to the liberty of my neighbor. This sounds a lot like what both Jesus and ethicists call the “Golden Rule.” Many assign the imperative commandment of Golden Rule as instruction for a positive only form of reciprocity. A key element of the golden rule is that a person attempting to live by this rule treats all people, not just members of his or her in-group with consideration.
Q: as we study the way different parties alive in the political life of America what more should we understand about Mills and John Locke about what how we should safely define that harm criteria?
A: The harm principle is articulated most clearly in John Stuart Mill's On Liberty, though it is also articulated in John Locke's Second Treatise of Government and in the work of Wilhelm von Humboldt, to whom Mill is obliged and discusses at length. Mill believes an individual's welfare is his own concern, arguing that the sole purpose of law should be to stop people from harming others.
Judeo Christian Golden Rule
Within Christian circles, the ethic of reciprocity is often called the "Golden Rule". Christianity adopted the ethic from two edicts, found in Leviticus 19:18 ("Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.") and Leviticus 19:34 ("But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God"). Crucially, Leviticus 19:34 universalizes the edict of Leviticus 19:18 from "one of your people" to all of humankind.
Several passages in the New Testament quote Jesus of Nazareth espousing the ethic of reciprocity, including the following:
Matthew 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
Luke 10:25-28 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 26He said unto him, What is written in the law? how readest thou? 27And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. 28And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. Jesus then proceeded to tell the parable of the Good Samaritan, indicating that "your neighbour" means a total stranger, or someone that happens to be nearby.
Defining “Citizens” with Liberty
Citizenship is membership in a political community (originally a city or town but now usually a country) and carries with it rights to political participation; a person having such membership is a citizen. It is largely coterminous with nationality,[citation needed] although it is possible to have a nationality without being a citizen (i.e., be legally subject to a state and entitled to its protection without having rights of political participation in it); it is also possible to have political rights without being a national of a state. In most nations, a non-citizen is a non-national and called either a foreigner or an alien.
Citizenship is the political rights of an individual within a society. Thus, you can have a citizenship from one country and be a national of another country. For example, a Cuban-American might be considered a national of Cuba due to his being born there, but he could also become an American citizen through naturalization. Nationality derives from either place of birth (i.e. jus soli), parentage (i.e. jus sanguinis), or ethnicity and religion (as in Israel). Citizenship derives from a legal relationship with a state. Citizenship can be lost, as in denaturalization, and gained, as in naturalization.
Citizenship status often implies some responsibilities and duties under social contract theory. "Active citizenship" is the philosophy that citizens should work towards the betterment of their community through economic participation, public service, volunteer work, and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. In this vein, schools in some countries provide citizenship education.
Q: how did the idea of citizenship rise in history?
A: Historically, many states limited citizenship to only a proportion of their population, thereby creating a citizen class with political rights superior to other sections of the population, but equal with each other. The classical example of a limited citizenry was Athens where slaves, women, and resident foreigners (called metics) were excluded from political rights. The Roman Republic forms another example (see Roman citizenship), and, more recently, the nobility of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had some of the same characteristics.
Q: what are the responsibilities of free citizens?
• paying taxes (although tourists and illegal aliens also pay some taxes such as sales taxes,etc)
• serving on a jury
• serving in the country's armed forces when called upon (in the US even illegal immigrants must serve in case of a draft[7]).
• obeying the criminal laws enacted by one's government, even while abroad.
• Purely ethical and moral duties tend to include: demonstrating commitment and loyalty to the democratic political community and state constructively criticizing the conditions of political and civic life participating to improve the quality of political and civic life respecting the rights of others defending one's own rights and the rights of others against those who would abuse them exercising one's rights.
Q: how are true freedom lined up with the idea of being a full citizen of your land.
A: a free citizen is guaranteed the right to pursue his welfare and wealth only limited by his gifts and talents and the harm principle.
Freedom to “Speak” Attacked?
Q: can we define a state as being in liberty that has a low view of political speech?
A: Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to denote not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.
A: The right to freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Furthermore freedom of speech is recognized in European, inter-American and African regional human rights law.
Q: how should my freedom of speech be limited?
A: the do no harm limit states I cannot cry fire in a crowded place which causes panic and loss of life or health. Once I have elected someone to represent me in a public office they are given a special high level of protected speech for that term. Elected officials are responsible for carrying out their job as public servants. No one should be able to block their speech as they represent me publically.
Q: what is the historical background behind my right to speak?
A: In "On Liberty" (1859) John Stuart Mill argued that "...there ought to exist the fullest liberty of professing and discussing, as a matter of ethical conviction, any doctrine, however immoral it may be considered."[14] Mill argues that the fullest liberty of expression is required to push arguments to their logical limits, rather than the limits of social embarrassment. However, Mill also introduced what is known as the harm principle, in placing the following limitation on free expression: "the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others."[14]
A: he freedom of speech can be found in early human rights documents, such as the British Magna Carta (1215) and "The Declaration of the Rights of Man" (1789), a key document of the French Revolution.[4] Based on John Stuart Mill's arguments, freedom of speech today is understood as a multi-faceted right that includes not only the right to express, or disseminate, information and ideas,
but three further distinct aspects:
• The right to seek information and ideas;
• the right to receive information and ideas;
• the right to impart information and ideas.[3]
A: Freedom of speech is crucial in any participatory democracy, because open discussions of candidates are essential for voters to make informed decisions during elections. It is through speech that people can influence their government's choice of policies. Also, public officials are held accountable through criticisms that can pave the way for their replacement. Some suggest that when citizens refrain from voicing their discontent because they fear retribution, the government can no longer be responsive to them, thus it is less accountable for its actions. Defenders of free speech often allege that this is the main reason why governments suppress free speech – to avoid accountability. However, it may be argued that some restrictions on freedom of speech may be compatible with democracy or even necessary to protect it. For example, such arguments are used to justify restrictions on the support of Nazi ideas in post-war Germany.
Q: how has free speech eroded recently?
A: Liberal democracies have varying approaches to balance the right of freedom of speech with other values and principles. For instance, the United States First Amendment theoretically grants absolute freedom, placing the burden upon the state to demonstrate when (if) a limitation of this freedom is necessary. Many liberal democracies recognized that restrictions should be the exception and free expression the rule.[citation needed]
Mob Rule in American Elections?
Q: does a mob have any political right to take away their neighbor’s speech?
A: Mob rule: Ochlocracy (Greek: οχλοκρατία or okhlokratía; Latin: ochlocratia) is government by mob or a mass of people, or the intimidation of constitutional authorities. In English, the word mobocracy is sometimes used as a synonym. As a pejorative for majoritarianism, it's akin to the Latin phrase mobile vulgus meaning "the easily moveable crowd," from which the term "mob" originally derives.[1]
A: the enemy of democracy historically: The term appears to have been coined by Polybius in his Histories (6.4.6).[2] He uses it to name the 'pathological' version of popular rule in opposition to the 'good' version, which he refers to as democracy.
A: In ancient Greek political thought ochlocracy was considered as one of the three "bad" forms of government (tyranny, oligarchy and ochlocracy) as opposed to the three "good" forms of government (monarchy, aristocracy and democracy).
A: the fall of Rome had to do with the way undisciplined mobs ran through the streets upsetting business, government and the rule of law. Lapses in this control often led to loss of power, or even the loss of heads, of officials − most notably in the reign of Commodus when Cleander unwisely used the Praetorian Guard against a mob which had come to call for his head.
A: the fall of France was also associated with mobs: During the French Revolution, the mobs in Paris played a similar function, but were more carefully manipulated by political leaders who sensed that they had the power to dispose of monarchy entirely, as they did, eventually setting up a representative democracy (which in turn fell to Napoleon's model of semi-constitutional monarchy).
A: mobs were important in recent Russian history: the resistance to the attempted military coup in the Soviet Union in 1991 that led to the collapse of that state, are situations where it is possible that it was the "mob" which won the day due to defections by authority.
A: in recent German history Hitler used brown shirted mobs to get his way when he failed to get sufficient votes. His brown shirts took physical control of polling stations. As soon as he was safely in power elections were no longer needed. He was the will of God and the people.
Armed Black Panthers Guarding Polls?
A: in the recent 2008 election some inner city polling places were “guarded” by panthers armed with night sticks.
A: During the 2008 election, poll watchers found a pair of New Black Panther Militia members outside of a polling place in Philadelphia.[12] One of the two was a poll watcher, while the other was a Black Panther member who had brought a nightstick.[citation needed] A republican poll watcher Chris Hill stated that voters had been complaining about intimidation, while the DA's office stated that they had not been contacted by voters[13]. The Black Panther with the nightstick was escorted away by the police. According to Fox News, remaining member denied all reports to reporters, and even when shown the video tape he said, "I don't know what ya crackas talking about."[14][15]
Defining Serfdom
Government becomes our lord [Messiah]
Q: what is the difference between a free citizen and a serf?
A: a free citizen is guaranteed the right to pursue his welfare and wealth only limited by his gifts and talents and the harm priniciple. But a serf approaches his government as both owning him and caring for his well being.
Serfdom is the socio-economic status of unfree peasants under feudalism, and specifically relates to Manorialism. It was a condition of bondage or modified slavery which developed primarily during the High Middle Ages in Europe. Serfdom was the enforced labor of serfs on the fields of landowners, in return for protection and the right to work on their leased fields.
Serfdom involved work not only on fields, but various agriculture-related works, like forestry, mining, transportation (both land and river-based), crafts and even in production. Manors formed the basic unit of society during this period, and both the lord and his serfs were bound legally, economically, and socially. Serfs were labourers who were bound to the land; they formed the lowest social class of the feudal society. Serfs were also defined as people in whose labour landowners held property rights. Before the 1861 abolition of serfdom in Russia, a landowner's estate was often measured by the number of "souls" he owned. Feudalism in Europe evolved from agricultural slavery of the late Roman Empire and spread through Europe around the tenth century; it flourished in Europe during the Middle Ages but lasted until the nineteenth century. The Black Death broke the established social order and weakened serfdom.
History & Development of Sefdom: After the Renaissance, serfdom became increasingly rare in most of Western Europe but grew strong in Central and Eastern Europe, where it had previously been less common (this phenomenon was known as "later serfdom"). In England, it lasted legally up to the 1600s and in France until 1789. There were native-born Scottish serfs until 1799, when coal miners previously kept in serfdom gained emancipation. In Eastern Europe the institution persisted until the mid-19th century. It persisted in Austria-Hungary till 1848 and was abolished in Russia in 1861.[1]
Reasons for Choosing Serfdom?
Q: how did people historically get into serfdom?
A: A freeman became a serf usually through force or necessity.
A: during very hard times being a serf can look good to some. Often a few years of crop failure, a war or brigandage might leave a person unable to make his own way. In such a case a bargain was struck with the lord. In exchange for protection, service was required, in payment and/or with labor.
A: they can start as very strong labor unions that grow and grow until they are looked at as the workers supply. Some strong unions do all the hiring in some areas.
Q: were there any areas where serfdom did not exist?
A: In Finland, Norway and Sweden feudalism was not established, and serfdom did not exist.
Q: what benefits do serfs really get?
A: The usual serf (not including slaves or cottars) paid his fees and taxes in the form of seasonally appropriate labor. Usually a portion of the week was devoted to plowing his lord's fields (demesne), harvesting crops, digging ditches, repairing fences, and often working in the manor house. The lord’s demesne included more than just fields: it included all grazing rights, forest produce (nuts, fruits, timber, and forest animals), and fish from the stream; the lord had exclusive rights to these things. The rest of the serf’s time was devoted to tending his or her own fields, crops and animals in order to provide for his or her family. Most manorial work was segregated by gender during the regular times of the year; however, during the harvest, the whole family was expected to work the fields.
A: In addition to service, a serf was required to pay certain taxes and fees.
A: Within his constraints, a serf had some freedom. Though the common wisdom is that a serf owned "only his belly" — even his clothes were the property, in law, of his lord — a serf might still accumulate personal property and wealth, and some serfs became wealthier than their free neighbors, although this was rather an exception to the general rule.
Q: is serfdom returning in our post modern age?
A: Some economic and political thinkers have argued that centrally-planned economies, especially the Soviet collective farm system and other systems based on Soviet-style Communist economics, amount to a return to government-owned serfdom. This view was put most powerfully by Friedrich Hayek in The Road to Serfdom as early as 1944 and has since been adopted by others including Mikhael Gorbachev. In certain Communist countries, farmers were tied to their farms, either kolkhoz which were theoretically collectives, or sovkhoz which were state-owned, through a system of internal passports and household registration. They had to plant crops according to instructions from the central authorities, especially if they were on state-run farms. These authorities would then "buy" their agricultural produce at vastly reduced prices and use the surplus to invest in heavy industry.
This system existed in the USSR till as late as 1974 when the Soviet Government Decree #667 was put in effect. This decree granted peasants identification documents, with an unrestricted right to move within the country — thus detaching them from the piece of land where they had worked.
However, the Laogai camps, which are the application of forced labor by the Chinese government, constitute an integral part of China's economy and are viewed by some analysts as institutions of slavery.[10]
Praying for America
Father as we are drifting far from the vision of our founding fathers remember their prayers from across the centuries. They didn’t come here to get rich but out of English jails for holding home Bible studies. Many of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence sacrificed their homes, vast personal wealth, and even their families. They mutually pledged “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor,” in order to give birth to this great experiment in freedom.
Our walls that once protected us and made us prosperous are broken down and trampled on by our enemies from within and without.
During our lifetime, in the name of pluralism, tolerance, and political correctness, we have witnessed the systematic dismantling of those spiritual walls and gates that form our nation’s most strategic defense system.
The first gate that is in ruins is our view of God. Almost without exception, our forefathers recognized the existence of a sovereign God who created this earth and Who has the right to rule over His creation. In their private and public lives, they reverenced and feared the Lord.
Today we worship a god of our own making--a cosmic genie who exists to fulfill our wishes, whose supreme job is to make us comfortable and happy, and whose laws are subject to the changing whims of each generation.
Our society has marginalized God and voted Him out of our collective conscience. Of course, in times of crisis, such as the tragedies in Littleton, Oklahoma City, and New York City, we can be persuaded to give Him a token nod--at least long enough to ask ‘Why?’ More than 2500 years ago, the Old Testament Jews asked that very question:
Why has the land been ruined and laid waste …?
God’s answer is clear: It is because they have forsaken My law, which I set before them; they have not obeyed Me or followed my law. Instead, they have followed the stubbornness of their hearts (Jer. 9:12-14).
The second gate that has been torn down is our view of morality. Of course, there have always been immoral individuals in our nation. But there was a day when you didn’t have to risk your reputation or your job in order to identify immoral behavior as immoral. Right was right; wrong was wrong. Our laws were predicated on the absolute, unchanging moral law of God. And we didn’t have to apologize for saying so. But all that has changed in a world where the notion of absolutes is rejected and relativism reigns.
The steady erosion of morality has left us vulnerable and defenseless against a host of attackers, among them, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic mental and emotional disorders, and senseless violence. A society that has lost its sense of right and wrong is a society with broken gates—a society that is vulnerable from within and without. A society that has lost its sense of right and wrong is a society with broken gates—a society that is vulnerable from within and without.
A third gate that is in shambles is our view of the family. Such essential virtues as honor, duty, loyalty, obedience, sacrifice, and chastity have gone by the wayside. In their place, we have substituted indulgence, greed, personal convenience and comfort, and self-gratification.
A crucial “glue” in earlier generations was a high view of the marriage covenant, Of course, not all people were faithful to their vows. But marital fidelity was still considered right and important.
Today our culture (assisted by no-fault divorce laws) has stripped the wedding vows of their significance and force. We don’t want to be bound to fulfill our promises—just free to pursue our personal happiness, regardless of the cost to our children, our future, or our national well-being.
A society that abandons God and His laws, that rejects moral absolutes, and that is willing to sacrifice its families on the altar of convenience, careers, and self, is a society whose gates are broken down.
Q: when things are hopeless what have earlier godly leaders done?
A: an unpopular republican named Abraham Lincoln did not despair. He did not invite us for an evening fireside with inspirational messages. He called us to an entire day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer. Read it I attached some of his call to the nation.
At the height of the Civil War, President Lincoln issued a National Proclamation calling for a day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer. I believe his words are as relevant today, as they were when they were first penned 136 years ago (1863):
We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven. We have been preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth and power, as no other nation has ever grown.
But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our heads, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.
Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.
It behooves us, then to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.
How Do We Pray
Jesus shocked and surprised many of His listeners when He proclaimed our obligation to “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” Nearly 2000 years later, the nature and extent of Christian involvement in the political process is hotly debated, but I think we can all agree that there are two aspects of Christian involvement in our government that are not debatable.
First, since we live (by the grace of God) in a constitutional republic, the duty and obligation of every Christian citizen is to cast an informed ballot on Election Day. This flows logically both from the mandate of our Savior and from the teachings of the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 13.
The mandate to pray for our nation has both Old and New Testament roots. The Old Testament saints were commanded to seek the face of God continually. This was especially true in times of trouble. In the New Testament we are urged to pray “for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:2).
But it is risky business to assert that God is always on our side. Abraham Lincoln wisely responded to such an assertion by saying that the real question was whether we were on His side. That question is no less germane today. Before we ask God to come to the aid of our nation in troublous times, we would do well to ponder whether our spiritual indifference may be leading God to withdraw His protective covering. We are a nation who has killed more than 50 million of our own babies for our own comfort. Does this make God on our side?
Israel made that same mistake. They assumed their status as a chosen people protected them from their enemies. Yet God allowed them to be carried off into captivity. If God did not spare Israel from the heavy hand of chastisement, why should we in America expect less?
Prayer Language
Father you said from Rom 13:1 that even earthly powers are ordained by you regardless of their world view or ethics. We know that in the end all Governments will rest on your shoulders James 9:6. Yet in these past decades people have thrown aside your rule preferring to be their own authorities. Today with amazing false piety they are trying to set aside godly people Isa 5:23. The heart of even wicked kings are in your able hands Esther 1:10; Psalm 119.
Father we choose to bless your name forever. We call out on your Sovereignty to change times, seasons and remove and set up kings for even our impossible times Dan 2:20-21.
We trust in your hand alone to govern affairs of state that you can set aside the ungodly Dan 5:20-21, 23. We pray that your watchers by decree of your sacred Word will rule again Dan 4:17. Father God we want to remind you of your promises to those who are caught in these lands against their will in these confusing times for your protective mercy and grace Amos 9:8; Hag 2:21-22.
We pray Father today that you will change the hearts of men and women newly in power that they will suddenly desire from their hearts to allow their minds, hearts, emotions and spirits to be subject to your principles and will suddenly covet every good work Titus 3:1. We boldly pray for this knowing this is in fact your revealed will 1 Pet 2:13-15.
Father God you said in times like this when the ignorant and foolish subvert power that you could use our good behavior to silence them 1 Pet 2:15. Help us from our hearts to honor these new ungodly leaders 1 Pet 2:17 give us strength and the power of your grace to to have a proper response in confusing times. In your word you promised to give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding Dan 2:20-21.
Father right now we need to you raise up righteous counsel for our new president and his staff in these confusing times. We are confident our enemy is around his council rooms Prov 25:5. Father this new president has the power to create courts so change his heart to suddenly by accident appoint some godly people who will be steeped in truth and justice. We pray also for our ungodly senate and congress change their hearts too. Help them to stop promoting evil on every side Rom 13:3-4. We pray for academia too that suddenly godly people will be allowed into our schools.
Father we approach you in intercession just as your servant Moses did in equally rebellious times Exod 32:10-11. The people today have a new golden calf as they always do bless us Father we have sinned. We remind you of the ancient prayers of our pilgrim fathers who called out to your throne that this new land would be a stepping stone for the gospel of Jesus Christ [Of Plymouth Plantation 1620, 25].
Our early fathers trusted you with their precious blood and lives to come into a holy contract between themselves and you. History reminds us of that reality as millions have come to Christ through various missionaries since that day. But Father we have a new generation who seem far from truth and justice as they deal with their neighbors. While promoting their own freedom they are not afraid to kill millions of babies. The hard earned wages of the weak are turned to spoils to promote these ungodly ways so we cry out Lord for your hand in confusing times. We pray Father you send an army of your angels to battle unseen for your people when they are oppressed.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Secular Progressives
The nature of religious humanism and the relationship between humanism and religion is of profound importance for humanists of all types. According to some secular humanists, religious humanism is a contradiction in terms. According to some religious humanists, all humanism is religious — even secular humanism, in its own way. Who is right? 2/9/2007 12:41 PM.
The answer to that question depends entirely upon how one defines the key terms. Many secular humanists use essentialist definitions of religion; this means that they identify some basic belief or attitude as comprising the “essence” of religion. Everything that has this attribute is religion, and everything that doesn’t cannot possibly be a religion.
The most commonly cited “essence” of religion involves supernatural beliefs, whether supernatural beings, supernatural powers, or simply supernatural realms.
Because they also define humanism as fundamentally naturalistic, the conclusion follows that humanism itself cannot be religious — it would be a contradiction for a naturalistic philosophy to include the belief supernatural beings.
Under this conception of religion, religious humanism could be thought of as existing in the context of religious believers, like Christians, who incorporate some humanist principles into their world view. It might be better, however, to describe this situation as a humanistic religion (where a pre-existing religion is influenced by humanist philosophy) than as a religious humanism (where humanism is influenced to be religious in nature).
As useful as essentialist definitions of religion are, they are nevertheless very limited and fail to acknowledge the breadth of what religion involves for actual human beings, both in their own lives and in their dealings with others. In effect, essentialist definitions tend to be “idealized” descriptions which are handy in philosophical texts, but have limited applicability in real life.
Perhaps because of this, religious humanists tend to opt for functional definitions of religion, which means that they identify what appears to be the purpose of function of religion (usually in a psychological and/or sociological sense) and use that to describe what religion “really” is.
Humanism as a Functional Religion
The functions of religion often used by religious humanists include things like fulfilling the social needs of a group of people and satisfying personal quests to discover meaning and purpose in life. Because their humanism constitutes both the social and personal context in which they seek to reach such goals, they quite naturally and reasonably conclude that their humanism is religious in nature — hence, religious humanism.
Unfortunately, functional definitions of religion are not much better than essentialist definitions. As is pointed out so often by critics, functional definitions are often so vague that they might apply to absolutely any belief system or shared cultural practices. It simply will not work if “religion” comes to be applied to just about everything, because then it won’t really be useful for describing anything.
So, who is right — is the definition of religion broad enough to allow for religious humanism, or is this actually just a contradiction in terms? The problem here lies in the assumption that our definition of religion must be either essentialist or functional.
By insisting on one or the other, the positions become unnecessarily polarized. Some religious humanists assume that all humanism is religious (from a functional perspective) while some secular humanists assume that no humanism can be religious in nature (from an essentialist perspective).
I wish I could offer a simple solution, but I cannot — religion itself is much too complex of a subject to lend itself to a simple definition that might produce a resolution here. When simplistic definitions are attempted, we only end up in the morass of disagreement and misunderstanding that we witness above.
All I can offer is the observation that, very often, religion is defined in a highly personal and subjective manner. There are objectively discernible qualities which are common to religions and which we can describe, but in the end, which of those qualities take precedence will vary from system to system and from person to person.
Because of that, we must allow that what we describe as the basis and essence of our religion cannot necessarily comprise the basis and essence of another’s religion — thus, a Christian cannot define “religion” for a Buddhist or a Unitarian. For the exact same reason, those of us who have no religion also cannot insist that one thing or another must necessarily comprise the basis and essence of a religion — thus, secular humanists cannot define “religion” for a Christian or a Religious Humanist. At the same time, though, religious humanists also cannot “define” secular humanism as a religion for others.
If humanism is religious in nature for someone, then that is their religion. We can question whether they are defining things coherently. We can challenge whether their belief system can be adequately described by such terminology. We can critique the specifics of their beliefs and whether they are rational. What we cannot readily do, however, is assert that, whatever they might believe, they cannot really be religious and humanists.
Christian Reactions to Secular Progressives 2007: Bill O'Reilly has revealed to the nation that secular progressives have a 'very secret plan' to 'diminish Christian philosophy in the U.S.A.' It's clear that he isn't clever enough to have connected the dots and figured this out on his own, so someone must have talked. We have a traitor in our midst who must be found and dealt with immediately!
O’Reilly said these three elements operate “in tandem”: O’REILLY: [Y]ou use your left-wing smear websites to go after anybody who stands up for Christmas. If you stand up for Christmas, they come after you. So the tandem intimidates. The tandem intimidates. Suing on one hand; smearing on the other hand. 2/9/2007 12:42 PM.
The result? According to O’Reilly: O’REILLY: In every secular progressive country, they’ve wiped out religion ... Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, all of them. That’s the first step. Get the religion out of there, so that we can impose our big-government, progressive agenda. 2/9/2007 11:10 AM.
It appears that O’Reilly has been provided very detailed information about the future secular take-over of America. He may even know about the secret re-education facilities we are building for Christians and the black helicopters that are being used to keep an eye on people like O’Reilly himself. I warned headquarters that we needed to have a monitoring device implanted in O’Reilly’s butt, but they said that he was too looney for anyone to ever take seriously. Sadly, it looks like my concerns are being proven true. We’ll have to act quickly in order to stop the damage from spreading too far.
And if you happen to be reading this without authorization, please remain calm and stay where you are — some nice men in black suits will be along shortly to take care of you.
Humanist Metaphysics: Humanism, Nature, and the Supernatural?
What sort of metaphysical beliefs do humanists have? Humanists don't really have a metaphysical outlook because humanists don't normally accept the existence of anything which isn't a part of nature (or, if they do, they don't believe that it is 'more real' than our own existence). Humanists are essentially naturalists, explaining the nature of reality in naturalistic and materialistic terms. It is, though, worth examining how humanists address claims about the existence of non-natural beings. As a general principle, humanists are not particularly concerned with anything that might qualify as “the supernatural.” Most humanists reject the existence of the supernatural entirely, but there is nothing self-contradictory about a person who is both a humanist and who believes in something that might qualify as supernatural. What is a problem for humanism is not so much belief in something that is supernatural but the reliance upon the supernatural as an explanatory mechanism for the universe, for life, for existence, for humanity, for morality, etc. Such a reliance is rather common in human cultures generally and human religions specifically; the rejection of the supernatural as a means to explain anything, on the other hand, is an important characteristic of humanism. One of the Affirmations of Humanism is:
”We deplore efforts to denigrate human intelligence, to seek to explain the world in supernatural terms, and to look outside nature for salvation.”
Study Questions:
Q: why do so many promote their beliefs using safe theological language?
A: they want to seduce American youth who in large numbers believe in a God of some kind.
A: Secular Humanists are atheists. They do not believe in the existence of a supernatural Supreme Being.
A: Christianity however believes in One personal/supreme God who is Creator & Lord of everything that exists. He eternally exists as Triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Gen. 1; Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19.
Q: who is the founder of this world view?
A: Founder: While Secular Humanism has no authoritative key figures in history, there have been several influential Humanists. Examples of influential Humanists are such people as: John Dewey, Bertrand Russell, Joseph Fletcher, Margaret Sanger, and Stephen Jay Gould.
Q: what do they use for authority in their lives?
A: Humanists reject supernatural beliefs and doctrines. There are no holy writings in Secular Humanism.
Q: where do they believe we all came from?
A: Humanity: Man is a part of nature. Humanity controls its own destiny since there is no God.
Q: what "ethical system" do secular progressives follow?
A: Ethics is autonomous and situational, needing no supernatural sanction.
A: Humanists believe that many of humanity's problems are caused by ignorance, lack of education, and outdated beliefs in the supernatural.
A: Many Humanists believe that the human condition can be improved by using science and its methods of criticism to understand the universe.
Q: what do they believe happens to all men when they die?
A: Secular Humanists believe that there is no life after death. They deny that there is a soul or spirit that survives death.
Q: as more and more of our society become energized by this system why do we see such a rise in angry, bitter, violent behavior?
A: they turn to Darwin and Freud just as Hitler and other secular progressive leaders have done in the past.
Q: as we see more and more people sharing opinions in the blogs today how can we spot members of this group?
A: they want to limit free speech by using threats to try and silence people who disagree with them. Get a copy of Hitler's founding book as it illustrates how to grow and train a group of "brown shirts" that go around and violently silence all who would disagree. At first they used legal methods. After they had no success we see them using riots and violence. Is it dangerous for a country to loose its freedom?
Study Germany's history because so youth in America today are falling into those same old traps.
1. The claim that all morals & values are relative is first of all self-contradictory, because it is stated as an absolute. There is also the problem of the inability of man to live consistently with it. All men including humanists hold for absolute values. Will the secular humanist admit that there is nothing necessarily (or absolutely) wrong with rape and murder of a three year old girl? Also be aware of the biblical problem with conflicting moral values and with the best answers available.
2. To the humanist there is no ultimate meaning to life. Yet no one lives in harmony with this view. The humanist is forced to live as if his life matters, thus belying his own belief. We can be sure that the humanist will not hesitate to point out where the Christian is inconsistent with his/her faith!
3. In view of the plausibility of the existence of God, it becomes difficult to see why such energy is expended trying to deny Him. It is often possible to show that the secular humanist is more interested in autonomy in the moral area than in discovering truth.
Help in 2008
Ben Stein's Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed DVD 8/15/2008 8:32 AM 2/9/2007 12:41 PM.
The answer to that question depends entirely upon how one defines the key terms. Many secular humanists use essentialist definitions of religion; this means that they identify some basic belief or attitude as comprising the “essence” of religion. Everything that has this attribute is religion, and everything that doesn’t cannot possibly be a religion.
The most commonly cited “essence” of religion involves supernatural beliefs, whether supernatural beings, supernatural powers, or simply supernatural realms.
Because they also define humanism as fundamentally naturalistic, the conclusion follows that humanism itself cannot be religious — it would be a contradiction for a naturalistic philosophy to include the belief supernatural beings.
Under this conception of religion, religious humanism could be thought of as existing in the context of religious believers, like Christians, who incorporate some humanist principles into their world view. It might be better, however, to describe this situation as a humanistic religion (where a pre-existing religion is influenced by humanist philosophy) than as a religious humanism (where humanism is influenced to be religious in nature).
As useful as essentialist definitions of religion are, they are nevertheless very limited and fail to acknowledge the breadth of what religion involves for actual human beings, both in their own lives and in their dealings with others. In effect, essentialist definitions tend to be “idealized” descriptions which are handy in philosophical texts, but have limited applicability in real life.
Perhaps because of this, religious humanists tend to opt for functional definitions of religion, which means that they identify what appears to be the purpose of function of religion (usually in a psychological and/or sociological sense) and use that to describe what religion “really” is.
Humanism as a Functional Religion
The functions of religion often used by religious humanists include things like fulfilling the social needs of a group of people and satisfying personal quests to discover meaning and purpose in life. Because their humanism constitutes both the social and personal context in which they seek to reach such goals, they quite naturally and reasonably conclude that their humanism is religious in nature — hence, religious humanism.
Unfortunately, functional definitions of religion are not much better than essentialist definitions. As is pointed out so often by critics, functional definitions are often so vague that they might apply to absolutely any belief system or shared cultural practices. It simply will not work if “religion” comes to be applied to just about everything, because then it won’t really be useful for describing anything.
So, who is right — is the definition of religion broad enough to allow for religious humanism, or is this actually just a contradiction in terms? The problem here lies in the assumption that our definition of religion must be either essentialist or functional.
By insisting on one or the other, the positions become unnecessarily polarized. Some religious humanists assume that all humanism is religious (from a functional perspective) while some secular humanists assume that no humanism can be religious in nature (from an essentialist perspective).
I wish I could offer a simple solution, but I cannot — religion itself is much too complex of a subject to lend itself to a simple definition that might produce a resolution here. When simplistic definitions are attempted, we only end up in the morass of disagreement and misunderstanding that we witness above.
All I can offer is the observation that, very often, religion is defined in a highly personal and subjective manner. There are objectively discernible qualities which are common to religions and which we can describe, but in the end, which of those qualities take precedence will vary from system to system and from person to person.
Because of that, we must allow that what we describe as the basis and essence of our religion cannot necessarily comprise the basis and essence of another’s religion — thus, a Christian cannot define “religion” for a Buddhist or a Unitarian. For the exact same reason, those of us who have no religion also cannot insist that one thing or another must necessarily comprise the basis and essence of a religion — thus, secular humanists cannot define “religion” for a Christian or a Religious Humanist. At the same time, though, religious humanists also cannot “define” secular humanism as a religion for others.
If humanism is religious in nature for someone, then that is their religion. We can question whether they are defining things coherently. We can challenge whether their belief system can be adequately described by such terminology. We can critique the specifics of their beliefs and whether they are rational. What we cannot readily do, however, is assert that, whatever they might believe, they cannot really be religious and humanists.
Christian Reactions to Secular Progressives 2007: Bill O'Reilly has revealed to the nation that secular progressives have a 'very secret plan' to 'diminish Christian philosophy in the U.S.A.' It's clear that he isn't clever enough to have connected the dots and figured this out on his own, so someone must have talked. We have a traitor in our midst who must be found and dealt with immediately!
O’Reilly said these three elements operate “in tandem”: O’REILLY: [Y]ou use your left-wing smear websites to go after anybody who stands up for Christmas. If you stand up for Christmas, they come after you. So the tandem intimidates. The tandem intimidates. Suing on one hand; smearing on the other hand. 2/9/2007 12:42 PM.
The result? According to O’Reilly: O’REILLY: In every secular progressive country, they’ve wiped out religion ... Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, all of them. That’s the first step. Get the religion out of there, so that we can impose our big-government, progressive agenda. 2/9/2007 11:10 AM.
It appears that O’Reilly has been provided very detailed information about the future secular take-over of America. He may even know about the secret re-education facilities we are building for Christians and the black helicopters that are being used to keep an eye on people like O’Reilly himself. I warned headquarters that we needed to have a monitoring device implanted in O’Reilly’s butt, but they said that he was too looney for anyone to ever take seriously. Sadly, it looks like my concerns are being proven true. We’ll have to act quickly in order to stop the damage from spreading too far.
And if you happen to be reading this without authorization, please remain calm and stay where you are — some nice men in black suits will be along shortly to take care of you.
Humanist Metaphysics: Humanism, Nature, and the Supernatural?
What sort of metaphysical beliefs do humanists have? Humanists don't really have a metaphysical outlook because humanists don't normally accept the existence of anything which isn't a part of nature (or, if they do, they don't believe that it is 'more real' than our own existence). Humanists are essentially naturalists, explaining the nature of reality in naturalistic and materialistic terms. It is, though, worth examining how humanists address claims about the existence of non-natural beings. As a general principle, humanists are not particularly concerned with anything that might qualify as “the supernatural.” Most humanists reject the existence of the supernatural entirely, but there is nothing self-contradictory about a person who is both a humanist and who believes in something that might qualify as supernatural. What is a problem for humanism is not so much belief in something that is supernatural but the reliance upon the supernatural as an explanatory mechanism for the universe, for life, for existence, for humanity, for morality, etc. Such a reliance is rather common in human cultures generally and human religions specifically; the rejection of the supernatural as a means to explain anything, on the other hand, is an important characteristic of humanism. One of the Affirmations of Humanism is:
”We deplore efforts to denigrate human intelligence, to seek to explain the world in supernatural terms, and to look outside nature for salvation.”
Study Questions:
Q: why do so many promote their beliefs using safe theological language?
A: they want to seduce American youth who in large numbers believe in a God of some kind.
A: Secular Humanists are atheists. They do not believe in the existence of a supernatural Supreme Being.
A: Christianity however believes in One personal/supreme God who is Creator & Lord of everything that exists. He eternally exists as Triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Gen. 1; Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19.
Q: who is the founder of this world view?
A: Founder: While Secular Humanism has no authoritative key figures in history, there have been several influential Humanists. Examples of influential Humanists are such people as: John Dewey, Bertrand Russell, Joseph Fletcher, Margaret Sanger, and Stephen Jay Gould.
Q: what do they use for authority in their lives?
A: Humanists reject supernatural beliefs and doctrines. There are no holy writings in Secular Humanism.
Q: where do they believe we all came from?
A: Humanity: Man is a part of nature. Humanity controls its own destiny since there is no God.
Q: what "ethical system" do secular progressives follow?
A: Ethics is autonomous and situational, needing no supernatural sanction.
A: Humanists believe that many of humanity's problems are caused by ignorance, lack of education, and outdated beliefs in the supernatural.
A: Many Humanists believe that the human condition can be improved by using science and its methods of criticism to understand the universe.
Q: what do they believe happens to all men when they die?
A: Secular Humanists believe that there is no life after death. They deny that there is a soul or spirit that survives death.
Q: as more and more of our society become energized by this system why do we see such a rise in angry, bitter, violent behavior?
A: they turn to Darwin and Freud just as Hitler and other secular progressive leaders have done in the past.
Q: as we see more and more people sharing opinions in the blogs today how can we spot members of this group?
A: they want to limit free speech by using threats to try and silence people who disagree with them. Get a copy of Hitler's founding book as it illustrates how to grow and train a group of "brown shirts" that go around and violently silence all who would disagree. At first they used legal methods. After they had no success we see them using riots and violence. Is it dangerous for a country to loose its freedom?
Study Germany's history because so youth in America today are falling into those same old traps.
1. The claim that all morals & values are relative is first of all self-contradictory, because it is stated as an absolute. There is also the problem of the inability of man to live consistently with it. All men including humanists hold for absolute values. Will the secular humanist admit that there is nothing necessarily (or absolutely) wrong with rape and murder of a three year old girl? Also be aware of the biblical problem with conflicting moral values and with the best answers available.
2. To the humanist there is no ultimate meaning to life. Yet no one lives in harmony with this view. The humanist is forced to live as if his life matters, thus belying his own belief. We can be sure that the humanist will not hesitate to point out where the Christian is inconsistent with his/her faith!
3. In view of the plausibility of the existence of God, it becomes difficult to see why such energy is expended trying to deny Him. It is often possible to show that the secular humanist is more interested in autonomy in the moral area than in discovering truth.
Help in 2008
Ben Stein's Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed DVD 8/15/2008 8:32 AM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Jewish Identity Using DNA
Human Genetics Program
550 First Avenue, Room MSB136
New York, NY 10016
Telephone: 212-263-5746
Fax: 212-263-7590
© 2000 New York University
Genetic Analysis of Jewish Origins
New York University School of Medicine
Dr. Harry Ostrer and Dr Michael Hammer
Did you ever wonder if 2000 years of recorded history could be preserved in the genetic record? Recent work from genetics labs has validated the Biblical record of a Semitic people who chose a Jewish way of life several thousand years ago.
These observations are the biological equivalent to the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, suggesting that despite 2000 years of Diaspora, the relatedness of the Jews of Eastern European ("Ashkenazi"), North African ("Sephardic") and Middle Eastern ("Oriental") origin can be demonstrated by genetic marker analysis.
Background: Cohanim DNA Connection
In the course of conducting research in this area, a few surprises have been found. The existence of a priestly line of males ("Kohanim") is shown as a distinctive set of genetic markers on the father-to-son transmitted Y chromosome. Limited variation of these markers among Kohanim males is compatible with a 3300-year-old origin in a single male or group of related males, possibly from the family of Aaron. These Y-chromosome genetic markers can even be found among the Lemba, a South African tribal group claiming patrilineal kinship with the Jews of Yemen.
As judged by the shared mutations for certain genetic diseases, including Gaucher disease, Connexin 26-based deafness and familial Mediterranean fever, considerable historical contact can be demonstrated between Ashkenazi Jews and the Christians of Spain, Italy and other Mediterranean countries. The legacy of the Spanish Inquisition can be found in Latin American populations. Mutations of Jewish origin for the rare genetic conditions of Laron dwarfism and Bloom syndrome have been found among Christian peoples residing in remote communities in Latin America.
The next step in Jewish genetic demography will be to understand the patterns of Jewish migration that formed the historical communities. Clearly most of these communities no longer exist, but their genetic structure can be discerned by studying the DNA of their descendants. In genetic terms, this will mean studying the DNA of the male-specific Y chromosome to understand the father's father's ("patrilineal") line and the DNA of the mitochondria to understand the mother's mother's ("matrilineal") line.
Cohanim DNA Connection
The fascinating story of how DNA
studies confirm an ancient biblical tradition 1/24/2006
Dr. Karl Skorecki, a Cohen of Eastern European parents, was attending synagogue one morning. The Cohen called up for the Torah reading that morning was a Jew of Sephardic background, whose parents were born in North Africa.Dr. Skorecki looked at the Sephardi Cohen's physical features and considered his own physical features.They were significantly different in stature, skin coloration and hair and eye color. Yet both had a tradition of being Cohanim, direct descendants of one man -- Aaron, the brother of Moses.
Cohanim (plural of Cohen) are the priestly family of the Jewish people, members of the Tribe of Levi.The books of Exodus and Leviticus describe the responsibilities of the Cohanim, which include the Temple service and blessing of the people. The Torah (the first five books of the Bible) describes the anointing of Aaron, the brother of Moses, as the first High Priest (Cohen Gadol).
Jewish tradition, based on the Torah, is that all Cohanim are direct descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses. The Cohen line is patrilineal -- passed from father to son without interruption for 3,300 years, or more than 100 generations.
Dr. Skorecki considered, "According to tradition, this Sephardi Cohen and I have a common ancestor. Could this line have been maintained since Sinai, and throughout the long exile of the Jewish people?" As a scientist, he wondered, could such a claim be tested?
Being a nephrologist and a top-level researcher at the University of Toronto and the Rambam-Technion Medical Center in Haifa, he was involved in the breakthroughs in molecular genetics which are revolutionizing medicine and the study of the life-sciences. He was also aware of the newly developing application of DNA analysis to the study of history and population diversity.
Dr. Skorecki considered a hypothesis: if the Cohanim are descendants of one man, they should have a common set of genetic markers -- a common haplotype -- that of their common ancestor. In our case, Aaron HaCohen.
In a second study, Dr. Skorecki and associates gathered more DNA samples and expanded their selection of Y chromosome markers. Solidifying their hypothesis of the Cohens' common ancestor, they found that a particular array of six chromosomal markers was found in 97 of the 106 Cohens tested. This collection of markers has come to be known as the Cohen Modal Hapoltype (CMH) -- the standard genetic signature of the Jewish priestly family. The chances of these findings happening at random is greater than one in 10,000.
The finding of a common set of genetic markers in both Ashkenazi and Sephardi Cohanim worldwide clearly indicates an origin pre-dating the separate development of the two communities around 1000 CE. Date calculation based on the variation of the mutations among Cohanim today yields a time frame of 106 generations from the ancestral founder of the line, some 3,300 years -- the approximate time of the Exodus from Egypt, the lifetime of Aaron HaCohen.
Professor Hammer was recently in Israel for the Jewish Genome Conference. He confirmed that his findings are consistent -- over 80 percent of self-identified Cohanim have a common set of markers.
The finding that less than one-third of the non-Cohen Jews who were tested possess these markers is not surprising to the geneticists. Jewishness is not defined genetically. Other Y-chromosomes can enter the Jewish gene pool through conversion or through a non-Jewish father. Jewish status is determined by the mother. Tribe membership follows the father's line.
Stated Dr. David Goldstein of Oxford University:
"For more than 90 percent of the Cohens to share the same genetic markers after such a period of time is a testament to the devotion of the wives of the Cohens over the years. Even a low rate of infidelity would have dramatically lowered the percentage."
[Science News, October 3, 1998]
Wider genetic studies of diverse present day Jewish communities show a remarkable genetic cohesiveness. Jews from Iran, Iraq, Yemen, North Africa and European Ashkenazim all cluster together with other Semitic groups, with their origin in the Middle East. A common geographical original can be seen for all mainstream Jewish groups studied.
This genetic research has clearly refuted the libel that the Ashkenazi Jews are not related to the ancient Hebrews, but are descendants of the Kuzar tribe -- a pre-10th century Turko-Asian empire which reportedly converted en masse to Judaism. Researchers compared the DNA signature of the Ashkenazi Jews against those of Turkish-derived people, and found no correspondence.
In their second published paper in Nature (July 9, 1998) the researchers included an unexpected finding. Those Jews in the study who identified themselves as Levites did not show a common set of markers as did the Cohanim. The Levites clustered in three groupings, one of them the CMH. According to tradition, the Levites should also show a genetic signature from a common paternal patrilineal ancestor. The researchers are now focusing effort on the study of Levites' genetic make up to learn more about their history in the Diaspora.
Using the CMH as a DNA signature of the ancient Hebrews, researchers are pursuing a hunt for Jewish genes around the world.
The research has shown a clear genetic relationship amongst Cohanim and their direct lineage from a common ancestor. The research findings support the Torah statements that the line of Aaron will last throughout history:
"... and they shall have the Priesthood as a statute forever, and you shall consecrate Aaron and his sons." [Exodus 29:9]
"... it shall be for them an appointment to an everlasting Priesthood throughout their generations." [Exodus 40:15]
"And it shall be to him and to his descendants after him a covenant of everlastingPriesthood." [Numbers 25:13]
That our Torah tradition is supported by these findings is an inspiration for many that God surely keeps His promises. May we soon see the Cohanim restored to their service, Levites on their Temple platform and Israelites at their places.
If you are a Cohen or Levi interested in participating in the DNA research and/or receiving further information please contact:
Center For Cohanim,
3 Rehov HaMekubalim,
Old City, Jerusalem, Israel
Phone/Fax: (02) 628-9243
What can modern biology tell us about the credibility of our Bible?
A: if we compare this data with the Truth Tests elsewhere on this blog we will see added external evidence that backs up the reality behind who God was writing too in past centuries.
Q: if the Bible really is what it claims is it safe to add to it or remove portions from God's revelation?
A: God's word is safe only if we both believe and apply what God is saying.
Q: is it safe to be in doubt about Jesus Sermon on the Mount?
A: that forces us as James later did to fall at Jesus feet with an ethical respnse.
Q: is it safe to doubt Jesus Olivet Discourse which most are ignorant of?
A: Jesus spent the largest teaching block revealing warnings about our future. Is it safe to be in denial about what He is really communicating? Is it safe to ignore this revelation because of the way that teaching fits in a favorite chart? Is it safe to deny because we label it apocalyptic?
A: the Jews are real people who not only have a past and present they also have a future. Once of the reasons so many like to avoid prophecy is because they do not like what the Bible says about Jews.
Isaiah 46:8-10
Remember this, and show yourselves men, bring it again to mind, O you transgressors. Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:"
God is holy. Because God is holy everything he says is right. Bible prophecy scholars say "one fourth of the Bible was prophetic at the time it was written." “Most significant is the fact that half these prophecies – 500 of them – have already been literally fulfilled.”
"God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and then not fulfill?" Num 23:19
Matt 24:42
"Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. (NAU)
Todd Strandberg ~ DATE SETTING LIST
Todd Strandberg, 5/23/2006.
Other people throughout history have read the same words of Jesus and have come up with different interpretations of what He intended. They've somehow managed to get around all restrictions against precise date setting. On a number of occasions, by doing so, they created pure havoc. The following is a list of some past failed attempts at date settings and some dates yet to come.
53 AD Even before all the books of the Bible were written, there was talk that Christ's return had already taken place. The Thessalonians panicked on Paul when they heard a rumor that the day of the Lord was at hand, and they had missed the rapture.
500 A Roman priest living in the second century predicted Christ would return in 500 AD, based on the dimensions of Noah's ark.
1000 This year goes down as one of the most heightened periods of hysteria over the return of Christ. All members of society seemed affected by the prediction that Jesus was coming back at the start of the new millennium. None of the events required by the Bible were transpiring at that time; the magic of the number 1000 was the sole reason for the expectation. During concluding months of 999 AD, everyone was on his best behavior; worldly goods were sold and given to the poor; swarms of pilgrims headed east to meet the Lord at Jerusalem; buildings went unrepaired; crops were left unplanted; and criminals were set free from jails. When the year 999 AD turned into 1000 AD, nothing happened.
1033 This year was cited as the beginning of the millennium because it marked 1,000 years since Christ's crucifixion.
1186 The "Letter of Toledo" warned everyone to hide in the caves and mountains. The world was reportedly to be destroyed with only a few spared.
1420 The Taborites of Czechoslovakia predicted every city would be annihilated by fire. Only five mountain strongholds would be saved.
1524-1526 Muntzer, a leader of German peasants, announced that the return of Christ was near. After Muntzer and his men destroyed the high and mighty, the Lord would supposedly return. This belief led to an uneven battle against government troops. He was strategically outnumbered. Muntzer claimed to have had a vision from God in which the Lord promised that He would catch the cannonballs of the enemy in the sleeves of His cloak. The prediction within the vision turned out to be false when Muntzer and his followers were mowed down by cannon fire.
1534 A repeat of the Muntzer affair occurred a few years later. This time, Jan Matthys took over the city of Munster. The city was to be the only one spared from destruction. The inhabitants of Munster, chased out by Matthys and his men, regrouped and lay siege to the city. Within a year, everyone in the city was dead.
1650-1660 The Fifth Monarchy Men looked for Jesus to establish a theocracy. They took up arms and tried to seize England by force. The movement died when the British monarchy was restored in 1660.
1666 For the citizens of London, 1666 was not a banner year. A bubonic plague outbreak killed 100,000 and the Great Fire of London struck the same year. The world seemed at an end to most Londoners. The fact that the year ended with the Beast's number—666--didn't help matters.
1809 Mary Bateman, who specialized in fortune telling, had a magic chicken that laid eggs with end-time messages on them. One message said that Christ was coming. The uproar she created ended when an unannounced visitor caught her forcing an egg into the hen's oviduct. Mary later was hanged for poisoning a wealthy client. History does not record whether the offended chicken attended the hanging.
1814 Spiritualist Joanna Southcott made the startling claim that she, by virgin birth, would produce the second Jesus Christ. Her abdomen began to swell and so did the crowds of people around her. The time for the birth came and passed; she died soon after. An autopsy revealed she had experienced a false pregnancy.
1836 John Wesley wrote that "the time, times and half a time" of Revelation 12:14 were 1058¬1836, "when Christ should come" (A. M. Morris, The Prophecies Unveiled, p. 361).
1843-1844 William Miller was the founder of an end-times movement that was so prominent it received its own name, Millerism. From his studies of the Bible, Miller determined that the second coming would happen sometime between 1843-1844. A spectacular meteor shower in 1833 gave the movement a good push forward. The buildup of anticipation continued until March 21, 1844, when Miller's one-year timetable ran out. Some followers set another date--Oct 22, 1844. This too failed, collapsing the movement. One follower described the days after the failed predictions: "The world made merry over the old Prophet's predicament. The taunts and jeers of the 'scoffers' were well-nigh unbearable."
1859 Rev. Thomas Parker, a Massachusetts minister, looked for the millennium to start about 1859.
1881 Someone called Mother Shipton had, 400 years earlier, claimed that the world would end in 1881. A controversy hangs over the Shipton writings as to whether or not publishers doctored the text. If the date was wrong, should it matter anyway?
1910 The revisit of Halley's comet was, for many, an indication of the Lord's second coming. The earth actually passed through the gaseous tail of the comet. One enterprising man sold comet pills to people for protection against the effects of the toxic gases.
1914 Charles Russell, after being exposed to the teachings of William Miller, founded his own organization that evolved into the Jehovah's Witnesses. In 1914, Russell predicted the return of Jesus Christ.
1918 In 1918, new math didn't help the Witnesses from striking out again.
1925 The Witnesses had no better luck in 1925. They already possessed the title of “Most Wrong Predictions.” They would expand upon it in the years to come.
1941 Once again, Jehovah's Witnesses beleived that Armageddon was due. Before the end of 1941, the end of all things was predicted.
1967 When the city of Jerusalem was reclaimed by the Jews in 1967, prophecy watchers declared that the "Time of the Gentiles" had come to an end.
1970 The True Light Church of Christ made its claim to fame by incorrectly forecasting the return of Jesus. A number of church members had quit their livelihoods ahead of the promised advent.
1973 A comet that turned out to be a visual disappointment nonetheless compelled one preacher to announce that it would be a sign of the Lord's return.
1975 The Jehovah's Witnesses were back at it in 1975. The failure of the forecast did not affect the growth of the movement. The Watchtower magazine, a major Witness periodical, has over 13 million subscribers.
1977 We all remember the killer bee scare of the late 1970's. One prophecy prognosticator linked the bees to Revelation 9:3-12. After 20 years of progression, the bees are still in Texas. I'm beginning to think of them as the killer snails.
1981 One author boldly declared that the rapture would occur before December 31, 1981, based on Christian prophecy, astronomy, and a dash of ecological fatalism. He pegged the date to Jesus' promised return to earth a generation after Israel's rebirth. He also made references to the "Jupiter Effect," a planetary alignment occurring every 179 years that supposedly could lead to earthquakes and nuclear plant meltdowns.
1982 It was all going to end in 1982, when the planets lined up and created magnetic forces that would bring Armageddon to the earth.
1982 A group called the Tara Centers placed full-page advertisements in many major newspapers for the weekend of April 24-25, 1982, announcing: "The Christ is Now Here!" They predicted that He was to make himself known "within the next two months." After the date passed, they said that the delay was only because the "consciousness of the human race was not quite right..." Boy, all these years and we're still not ready.
1984 The Jehovah's Witnesses made sure, in 1984, that no one else would be able to top their record of most wrong doomsday predictions. The Witnesses' record currently holds at nine. The years are: 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, and 1984. Lately, the JWs are claiming they're out of the prediction business, but it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. They'll be back.
1987 The Harmonic Convergence was planned for August 16-17, 1987, and several New Age events were also to occur at that time. The second coming of the serpent god of peace and the Hopi dance awakening were two examples.
1988 The book, 88 Reasons Why the Rapture is in 1988, came out only a few months before the event was to take place. What little time the book had, it used effectively. By the time the predicted dates, September 11-13, rolled around, whole churches were caught up in the excitement the book generated. I personally had friends who were measuring themselves for wings. In the dorm where we lived, my friends were also openly confronting all of the unsaved. It became my job to defuse situations. In one case, an accosted sinner was contemplating dispensary action against my now-distant friends. Finally, the days of destiny dawned and then set. No Jesus. The environment was not the same as Miller's 1844 failure. To my surprise, the taunting by the unsaved was very brief. I took it that people have very little understanding of the Bible, so they had nothing to taunt my friends with. I made one other interesting observation. Although the time for the rapture had been predicted to fall within a three-day window, September 11-13, my friends gave up hope on the morning of the 12th. I pointed out that they still had two days left, but they had been spooked, nonetheless
1989 After the passing of the deadline in 88 Reasons, the author, Edgar Whisenant, came out with a new book called 89 Reasons Why the Rapture is in 1989. This book sold only a fraction of the number of copies his prior release had sold.
1991 A group in Australia predicted Jesus would return through the Sydney Harbor at 9 a.m., March 31, 1991.
1991 Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan proclaimed the Gulf War would be "the War of Armageddon ... the final War."
1991 Menachem Schneerson, a Russian-born rabbi, called for the Messiah to come by September 9, 1991, the start of the Jewish New Year.
1992 A Korean group called Mission for the Coming Days had the Korea Church an uproar in the fall of 1992. They foresaw October 28, 1992 as the date for the rapture. Numerology was the basis for the date. Several camera shots that left ghostly images on pictures were thought to be a supernatural confirmation of the date.
1993 If the year 2000 is the end of the 6,000-year cycle, then the rapture must take place in 1993, because you would need seven years of the tribulation. This was the thinking of a number of prophecy writers.
1994 In the book, 1994: The Year of Destiny , F. M. Riley foretold of God's plan to rapture His people. The name of his ministry is “The Last Call,” and he operates out of Missouri.
1994 Pastor John Hinkle of Christ Church in Los Angeles caused quite a stir when he announced he had received a vision from God that warned of apocalyptic event on June 9, 1994. Hinkle, quoting God, said, "On Thursday June the 9th, I will rip the evil out of this world." At the time, I knew Hinkle's vision didn't match up with Scripture. From a proper reading of Bible prophecy, the only thing that God could possibly rip from the earth would be the Christian Church, and I don't think God would refer to the Church as "evil." Some people tried to interpret Hinkle's unscriptural vision to mean that God would the rip evil out of our hearts when He raptured us. Well, the date came and went with no heart surgery or rapture.
1994 Harold Camping, in his book Are You Ready?, predicted the Lord would return in September 1994. The book was full of numerology that added up to 1994 as the date of Christ's return.
1994 After promising they would not make anymore end time predictions, the Jehovah's Witnesses fell off the wagon and proclaimed 1994 as the conclusion of an 80-year generation; the year 1914 was the starting point.
1996 This year had a special month, according to one author who foresaw September as the time for our Lord's return. The Church Age will last 2,000 years from the time of Christ's birth in 4 BC.
1996 California psychic Sheldon Nidle predicted the end would come with the convergence of 16 million space ships and a host of angels upon the earth on December 17, 1996. Nidle explained the passing of the date by claiming the angels placed us in a holographic projection to preserve us and give us a second chance.
1997 In regard to 1997, I received several e-mail messages that pointed to this as the year when Jesus would return for His church. Two of the more widely known time frames were Monte Judah's prediction that the tribulation would begin in February/March and another prediction based on numerology and the Psalms that targeted May 14 as the date of the rapture.
1997 When Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat signed their peace pact on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993, some saw the events as the beginning of tribulation. With the signing of the peace agreement, Daniel's 1,260-day countdown was underway. By adding 1,260 days to September 1993, you arrive at February 24, 1997.
1997 Stan Johnson of the Prophecy Club saw a "90 percent" chance that the tribulation would start September 12, 1997. He based his conclusion on several end-time signs: that would be Jesus' 2,000th birthday and it would also be the Day of Atonement, although it wouldn’t be what is currently the Jewish Day of Atonement. Further supporting evidence came from Romanian pastor Dumitru Duduman. In several heavenly visions, Dumitru claimed to have seen the Book of Life. In one of his earlier visions, there were several pages yet to be completed. In his last vision, he noticed the Book of Life only had one page left. Doing some rough calculating, Johnson and friends figured the latest time frame for the completion of the book would have to be September 1997.
1998 Numerology: Because 666 times three equals 1998, some people point to this year as being prophetically significant. Someone called me long distance just so he could pass on to me this earth-shattering news.
1998 A Taiwanese cult operating out of Garland, Texas predicted Christ would return on March 31 of 1998. The group's leader, Heng-ming Chen, announced God would return and then invite the cult members aboard a UFO. The group abandoned their prediction when a precursor event failed to take place. The cult's leader had said that God would appear on every channel 18 of every TV in the world. Maybe God realized at the last minute, the Playboy Network was channel 18 on several cable systems, and He didn't want to have Christians watching a porn channel.
1998 On April 30, 1998, Israel was to turn 50 and many believed this birthday would mark the beginning of the tribulation. The reasoning behind this date has to do with God's age requirement for the priesthood, which is between 30-50.
1998 1998 Marilyn Agee, in her book, The End of the Age, had her sights set on May 31, 1998. This date was to conclude the 6,000-year cycle from the time of Adam. Agee looked for the rapture to take place on Pentecost, which is also known as “the Feast of Weeks.” Another indicator of this date was the fact that the Holy Spirit did not descend upon the apostles until 50 days after Christ's resurrection. Israel was born in 1948; add the 50 days as years and you come up with. After her May 31 rapture date failed, Agee, unable to face up to her error, continued her date setting by using various Scripture references to point to June 7, 14, 21 and about 10 other dates.
1999 Well, you can't call Marilyn Agee a quitter. After bombing out badly several time in 1998, Marilyn set a new date for the rapture: May 21 or 22 of this year.
1999 TV newscaster-turned-psychic Charles Criswell King had said in 1968 that the world as we know it would cease to exist on August 18, 1999.
1999 Philip Berg, a rabbi at the Kabbalah Learning Center in New York, proclaimed that the end might arrive on September 11, 1999, when "a ball of fire will descend . . . destroying almost all of mankind, all vegetation, all forms of life."
2000 Numerology: If you divide 2,000 by 3, you will get the devil's number: 666.66666666666667.
2000 The names of the people and organizations that called for the return of Christ at the turn of the century is too long to be listed here. I would say that if there were a day on which Christ could not return, it must have been January 1, 2000. To come at an unknown time means to come at an unknown time. I think January 2, 2000 would have been a more likely day for Him to call His Church home--right after the big let down.
2000 On May 5, 2000, all of the planets were supposed to have been in alignment. This was said to cause the earth to suffer earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and various other nasty stuff. A similar alignment occurred in 1982 and nothing happened. People failed to realize that the other nine planets only exert a very tiny gravitational pull on the earth. If you were to add up the gravitational force from the rest of the planets, the total would only amount to a fraction of the tug the moon has on the earth.
2000 According to Michael Rood, the end times have a prophetically complicated connection to Israel's spring barley harvest. The Day of the Lord began on May 5, 2000. Rood's fall feast calendar called for the Russian Gog-Magog invasion of Israel to take place at sundown on October 28, 2000.
2000-2001 Dr. Dale SumburËru looked for March 22, 1997 to be "the date when all the dramatic events leading through the tribulation to the return of Christ should begin" The actual date of Christ's return could be somewhere between July 2000 and March 2001. Dr. SumburËru is more general about the timing of Christ's second coming than most writers. He states, "The day the Lord returns is currently unknown because He said [Jesus] these days are cut short and it is not yet clear by how much and in what manner they are cut short. If the above assumptions are not correct, my margin of error would be in weeks, or perhaps months."
2002 Priests from Cuba's Afro-Caribbean Yoruba religion predicted a dramatic year of tragedy and crisis for the world in 2002, ranging from coups and war to disease and flooding.
2004 This date for Jesus' return is based upon psalmology, numerology, the biblical 360 days per year, Jewish holidays, and "biblical astronomy." To figure out this date, you'll need a calculator, a slide rule, and plenty of scratch paper.
2006, June 6, [6-6-06] many are linking these three 6’s on this date to the release of Satanic power and the coming of Antichrist. Since the Holy Spirit residing in the church is who restrains Antichrist this means the church must be raptured before this date.
2011-2018 For the past several decades, Jack Van Impe has hinted at nearly every year as being the time for the rapture. Normally, he has only gone out one or two years from the current calendar year. However, Jack's latest projection for the rapture goes out several years. His new math uses 51 years as the length of a generation. If you add 51 years to 1967, the year Israel recaptured Jerusalem, you get 2018. Once you subtract the seven-year tribulation period, you arrive at 2011.
2012 New Age writers cite Mayan and Aztec calendars that predict the end of the age on December 21, 2012.
2060 Sir Isaac Newton, Britain's greatest scientist, spent 50 years and wrote 4,500 pages trying to predict when the end of the world was coming. The most definitive date he set for the apocalypse, which he scribbled on a scrap of paper, was 2060.
Todd Strandberg, 5/23/2006.
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© 2000 New York University
Genetic Analysis of Jewish Origins
New York University School of Medicine
Dr. Harry Ostrer and Dr Michael Hammer
Did you ever wonder if 2000 years of recorded history could be preserved in the genetic record? Recent work from genetics labs has validated the Biblical record of a Semitic people who chose a Jewish way of life several thousand years ago.
These observations are the biological equivalent to the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls, suggesting that despite 2000 years of Diaspora, the relatedness of the Jews of Eastern European ("Ashkenazi"), North African ("Sephardic") and Middle Eastern ("Oriental") origin can be demonstrated by genetic marker analysis.
Background: Cohanim DNA Connection
In the course of conducting research in this area, a few surprises have been found. The existence of a priestly line of males ("Kohanim") is shown as a distinctive set of genetic markers on the father-to-son transmitted Y chromosome. Limited variation of these markers among Kohanim males is compatible with a 3300-year-old origin in a single male or group of related males, possibly from the family of Aaron. These Y-chromosome genetic markers can even be found among the Lemba, a South African tribal group claiming patrilineal kinship with the Jews of Yemen.
As judged by the shared mutations for certain genetic diseases, including Gaucher disease, Connexin 26-based deafness and familial Mediterranean fever, considerable historical contact can be demonstrated between Ashkenazi Jews and the Christians of Spain, Italy and other Mediterranean countries. The legacy of the Spanish Inquisition can be found in Latin American populations. Mutations of Jewish origin for the rare genetic conditions of Laron dwarfism and Bloom syndrome have been found among Christian peoples residing in remote communities in Latin America.
The next step in Jewish genetic demography will be to understand the patterns of Jewish migration that formed the historical communities. Clearly most of these communities no longer exist, but their genetic structure can be discerned by studying the DNA of their descendants. In genetic terms, this will mean studying the DNA of the male-specific Y chromosome to understand the father's father's ("patrilineal") line and the DNA of the mitochondria to understand the mother's mother's ("matrilineal") line.
Cohanim DNA Connection
The fascinating story of how DNA
studies confirm an ancient biblical tradition 1/24/2006
Dr. Karl Skorecki, a Cohen of Eastern European parents, was attending synagogue one morning. The Cohen called up for the Torah reading that morning was a Jew of Sephardic background, whose parents were born in North Africa.Dr. Skorecki looked at the Sephardi Cohen's physical features and considered his own physical features.They were significantly different in stature, skin coloration and hair and eye color. Yet both had a tradition of being Cohanim, direct descendants of one man -- Aaron, the brother of Moses.
Cohanim (plural of Cohen) are the priestly family of the Jewish people, members of the Tribe of Levi.The books of Exodus and Leviticus describe the responsibilities of the Cohanim, which include the Temple service and blessing of the people. The Torah (the first five books of the Bible) describes the anointing of Aaron, the brother of Moses, as the first High Priest (Cohen Gadol).
Jewish tradition, based on the Torah, is that all Cohanim are direct descendants of Aaron, the brother of Moses. The Cohen line is patrilineal -- passed from father to son without interruption for 3,300 years, or more than 100 generations.
Dr. Skorecki considered, "According to tradition, this Sephardi Cohen and I have a common ancestor. Could this line have been maintained since Sinai, and throughout the long exile of the Jewish people?" As a scientist, he wondered, could such a claim be tested?
Being a nephrologist and a top-level researcher at the University of Toronto and the Rambam-Technion Medical Center in Haifa, he was involved in the breakthroughs in molecular genetics which are revolutionizing medicine and the study of the life-sciences. He was also aware of the newly developing application of DNA analysis to the study of history and population diversity.
Dr. Skorecki considered a hypothesis: if the Cohanim are descendants of one man, they should have a common set of genetic markers -- a common haplotype -- that of their common ancestor. In our case, Aaron HaCohen.
In a second study, Dr. Skorecki and associates gathered more DNA samples and expanded their selection of Y chromosome markers. Solidifying their hypothesis of the Cohens' common ancestor, they found that a particular array of six chromosomal markers was found in 97 of the 106 Cohens tested. This collection of markers has come to be known as the Cohen Modal Hapoltype (CMH) -- the standard genetic signature of the Jewish priestly family. The chances of these findings happening at random is greater than one in 10,000.
The finding of a common set of genetic markers in both Ashkenazi and Sephardi Cohanim worldwide clearly indicates an origin pre-dating the separate development of the two communities around 1000 CE. Date calculation based on the variation of the mutations among Cohanim today yields a time frame of 106 generations from the ancestral founder of the line, some 3,300 years -- the approximate time of the Exodus from Egypt, the lifetime of Aaron HaCohen.
Professor Hammer was recently in Israel for the Jewish Genome Conference. He confirmed that his findings are consistent -- over 80 percent of self-identified Cohanim have a common set of markers.
The finding that less than one-third of the non-Cohen Jews who were tested possess these markers is not surprising to the geneticists. Jewishness is not defined genetically. Other Y-chromosomes can enter the Jewish gene pool through conversion or through a non-Jewish father. Jewish status is determined by the mother. Tribe membership follows the father's line.
Stated Dr. David Goldstein of Oxford University:
"For more than 90 percent of the Cohens to share the same genetic markers after such a period of time is a testament to the devotion of the wives of the Cohens over the years. Even a low rate of infidelity would have dramatically lowered the percentage."
[Science News, October 3, 1998]
Wider genetic studies of diverse present day Jewish communities show a remarkable genetic cohesiveness. Jews from Iran, Iraq, Yemen, North Africa and European Ashkenazim all cluster together with other Semitic groups, with their origin in the Middle East. A common geographical original can be seen for all mainstream Jewish groups studied.
This genetic research has clearly refuted the libel that the Ashkenazi Jews are not related to the ancient Hebrews, but are descendants of the Kuzar tribe -- a pre-10th century Turko-Asian empire which reportedly converted en masse to Judaism. Researchers compared the DNA signature of the Ashkenazi Jews against those of Turkish-derived people, and found no correspondence.
In their second published paper in Nature (July 9, 1998) the researchers included an unexpected finding. Those Jews in the study who identified themselves as Levites did not show a common set of markers as did the Cohanim. The Levites clustered in three groupings, one of them the CMH. According to tradition, the Levites should also show a genetic signature from a common paternal patrilineal ancestor. The researchers are now focusing effort on the study of Levites' genetic make up to learn more about their history in the Diaspora.
Using the CMH as a DNA signature of the ancient Hebrews, researchers are pursuing a hunt for Jewish genes around the world.
The research has shown a clear genetic relationship amongst Cohanim and their direct lineage from a common ancestor. The research findings support the Torah statements that the line of Aaron will last throughout history:
"... and they shall have the Priesthood as a statute forever, and you shall consecrate Aaron and his sons." [Exodus 29:9]
"... it shall be for them an appointment to an everlasting Priesthood throughout their generations." [Exodus 40:15]
"And it shall be to him and to his descendants after him a covenant of everlastingPriesthood." [Numbers 25:13]
That our Torah tradition is supported by these findings is an inspiration for many that God surely keeps His promises. May we soon see the Cohanim restored to their service, Levites on their Temple platform and Israelites at their places.
If you are a Cohen or Levi interested in participating in the DNA research and/or receiving further information please contact:
Center For Cohanim,
3 Rehov HaMekubalim,
Old City, Jerusalem, Israel
Phone/Fax: (02) 628-9243
What can modern biology tell us about the credibility of our Bible?
A: if we compare this data with the Truth Tests elsewhere on this blog we will see added external evidence that backs up the reality behind who God was writing too in past centuries.
Q: if the Bible really is what it claims is it safe to add to it or remove portions from God's revelation?
A: God's word is safe only if we both believe and apply what God is saying.
Q: is it safe to be in doubt about Jesus Sermon on the Mount?
A: that forces us as James later did to fall at Jesus feet with an ethical respnse.
Q: is it safe to doubt Jesus Olivet Discourse which most are ignorant of?
A: Jesus spent the largest teaching block revealing warnings about our future. Is it safe to be in denial about what He is really communicating? Is it safe to ignore this revelation because of the way that teaching fits in a favorite chart? Is it safe to deny because we label it apocalyptic?
A: the Jews are real people who not only have a past and present they also have a future. Once of the reasons so many like to avoid prophecy is because they do not like what the Bible says about Jews.
Isaiah 46:8-10
Remember this, and show yourselves men, bring it again to mind, O you transgressors. Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, "My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:"
God is holy. Because God is holy everything he says is right. Bible prophecy scholars say "one fourth of the Bible was prophetic at the time it was written." “Most significant is the fact that half these prophecies – 500 of them – have already been literally fulfilled.”
"God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and then not fulfill?" Num 23:19
Matt 24:42
"Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. (NAU)
Todd Strandberg ~ DATE SETTING LIST
Todd Strandberg, 5/23/2006.
Other people throughout history have read the same words of Jesus and have come up with different interpretations of what He intended. They've somehow managed to get around all restrictions against precise date setting. On a number of occasions, by doing so, they created pure havoc. The following is a list of some past failed attempts at date settings and some dates yet to come.
53 AD Even before all the books of the Bible were written, there was talk that Christ's return had already taken place. The Thessalonians panicked on Paul when they heard a rumor that the day of the Lord was at hand, and they had missed the rapture.
500 A Roman priest living in the second century predicted Christ would return in 500 AD, based on the dimensions of Noah's ark.
1000 This year goes down as one of the most heightened periods of hysteria over the return of Christ. All members of society seemed affected by the prediction that Jesus was coming back at the start of the new millennium. None of the events required by the Bible were transpiring at that time; the magic of the number 1000 was the sole reason for the expectation. During concluding months of 999 AD, everyone was on his best behavior; worldly goods were sold and given to the poor; swarms of pilgrims headed east to meet the Lord at Jerusalem; buildings went unrepaired; crops were left unplanted; and criminals were set free from jails. When the year 999 AD turned into 1000 AD, nothing happened.
1033 This year was cited as the beginning of the millennium because it marked 1,000 years since Christ's crucifixion.
1186 The "Letter of Toledo" warned everyone to hide in the caves and mountains. The world was reportedly to be destroyed with only a few spared.
1420 The Taborites of Czechoslovakia predicted every city would be annihilated by fire. Only five mountain strongholds would be saved.
1524-1526 Muntzer, a leader of German peasants, announced that the return of Christ was near. After Muntzer and his men destroyed the high and mighty, the Lord would supposedly return. This belief led to an uneven battle against government troops. He was strategically outnumbered. Muntzer claimed to have had a vision from God in which the Lord promised that He would catch the cannonballs of the enemy in the sleeves of His cloak. The prediction within the vision turned out to be false when Muntzer and his followers were mowed down by cannon fire.
1534 A repeat of the Muntzer affair occurred a few years later. This time, Jan Matthys took over the city of Munster. The city was to be the only one spared from destruction. The inhabitants of Munster, chased out by Matthys and his men, regrouped and lay siege to the city. Within a year, everyone in the city was dead.
1650-1660 The Fifth Monarchy Men looked for Jesus to establish a theocracy. They took up arms and tried to seize England by force. The movement died when the British monarchy was restored in 1660.
1666 For the citizens of London, 1666 was not a banner year. A bubonic plague outbreak killed 100,000 and the Great Fire of London struck the same year. The world seemed at an end to most Londoners. The fact that the year ended with the Beast's number—666--didn't help matters.
1809 Mary Bateman, who specialized in fortune telling, had a magic chicken that laid eggs with end-time messages on them. One message said that Christ was coming. The uproar she created ended when an unannounced visitor caught her forcing an egg into the hen's oviduct. Mary later was hanged for poisoning a wealthy client. History does not record whether the offended chicken attended the hanging.
1814 Spiritualist Joanna Southcott made the startling claim that she, by virgin birth, would produce the second Jesus Christ. Her abdomen began to swell and so did the crowds of people around her. The time for the birth came and passed; she died soon after. An autopsy revealed she had experienced a false pregnancy.
1836 John Wesley wrote that "the time, times and half a time" of Revelation 12:14 were 1058¬1836, "when Christ should come" (A. M. Morris, The Prophecies Unveiled, p. 361).
1843-1844 William Miller was the founder of an end-times movement that was so prominent it received its own name, Millerism. From his studies of the Bible, Miller determined that the second coming would happen sometime between 1843-1844. A spectacular meteor shower in 1833 gave the movement a good push forward. The buildup of anticipation continued until March 21, 1844, when Miller's one-year timetable ran out. Some followers set another date--Oct 22, 1844. This too failed, collapsing the movement. One follower described the days after the failed predictions: "The world made merry over the old Prophet's predicament. The taunts and jeers of the 'scoffers' were well-nigh unbearable."
1859 Rev. Thomas Parker, a Massachusetts minister, looked for the millennium to start about 1859.
1881 Someone called Mother Shipton had, 400 years earlier, claimed that the world would end in 1881. A controversy hangs over the Shipton writings as to whether or not publishers doctored the text. If the date was wrong, should it matter anyway?
1910 The revisit of Halley's comet was, for many, an indication of the Lord's second coming. The earth actually passed through the gaseous tail of the comet. One enterprising man sold comet pills to people for protection against the effects of the toxic gases.
1914 Charles Russell, after being exposed to the teachings of William Miller, founded his own organization that evolved into the Jehovah's Witnesses. In 1914, Russell predicted the return of Jesus Christ.
1918 In 1918, new math didn't help the Witnesses from striking out again.
1925 The Witnesses had no better luck in 1925. They already possessed the title of “Most Wrong Predictions.” They would expand upon it in the years to come.
1941 Once again, Jehovah's Witnesses beleived that Armageddon was due. Before the end of 1941, the end of all things was predicted.
1967 When the city of Jerusalem was reclaimed by the Jews in 1967, prophecy watchers declared that the "Time of the Gentiles" had come to an end.
1970 The True Light Church of Christ made its claim to fame by incorrectly forecasting the return of Jesus. A number of church members had quit their livelihoods ahead of the promised advent.
1973 A comet that turned out to be a visual disappointment nonetheless compelled one preacher to announce that it would be a sign of the Lord's return.
1975 The Jehovah's Witnesses were back at it in 1975. The failure of the forecast did not affect the growth of the movement. The Watchtower magazine, a major Witness periodical, has over 13 million subscribers.
1977 We all remember the killer bee scare of the late 1970's. One prophecy prognosticator linked the bees to Revelation 9:3-12. After 20 years of progression, the bees are still in Texas. I'm beginning to think of them as the killer snails.
1981 One author boldly declared that the rapture would occur before December 31, 1981, based on Christian prophecy, astronomy, and a dash of ecological fatalism. He pegged the date to Jesus' promised return to earth a generation after Israel's rebirth. He also made references to the "Jupiter Effect," a planetary alignment occurring every 179 years that supposedly could lead to earthquakes and nuclear plant meltdowns.
1982 It was all going to end in 1982, when the planets lined up and created magnetic forces that would bring Armageddon to the earth.
1982 A group called the Tara Centers placed full-page advertisements in many major newspapers for the weekend of April 24-25, 1982, announcing: "The Christ is Now Here!" They predicted that He was to make himself known "within the next two months." After the date passed, they said that the delay was only because the "consciousness of the human race was not quite right..." Boy, all these years and we're still not ready.
1984 The Jehovah's Witnesses made sure, in 1984, that no one else would be able to top their record of most wrong doomsday predictions. The Witnesses' record currently holds at nine. The years are: 1874, 1878, 1881, 1910, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975, and 1984. Lately, the JWs are claiming they're out of the prediction business, but it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. They'll be back.
1987 The Harmonic Convergence was planned for August 16-17, 1987, and several New Age events were also to occur at that time. The second coming of the serpent god of peace and the Hopi dance awakening were two examples.
1988 The book, 88 Reasons Why the Rapture is in 1988, came out only a few months before the event was to take place. What little time the book had, it used effectively. By the time the predicted dates, September 11-13, rolled around, whole churches were caught up in the excitement the book generated. I personally had friends who were measuring themselves for wings. In the dorm where we lived, my friends were also openly confronting all of the unsaved. It became my job to defuse situations. In one case, an accosted sinner was contemplating dispensary action against my now-distant friends. Finally, the days of destiny dawned and then set. No Jesus. The environment was not the same as Miller's 1844 failure. To my surprise, the taunting by the unsaved was very brief. I took it that people have very little understanding of the Bible, so they had nothing to taunt my friends with. I made one other interesting observation. Although the time for the rapture had been predicted to fall within a three-day window, September 11-13, my friends gave up hope on the morning of the 12th. I pointed out that they still had two days left, but they had been spooked, nonetheless
1989 After the passing of the deadline in 88 Reasons, the author, Edgar Whisenant, came out with a new book called 89 Reasons Why the Rapture is in 1989. This book sold only a fraction of the number of copies his prior release had sold.
1991 A group in Australia predicted Jesus would return through the Sydney Harbor at 9 a.m., March 31, 1991.
1991 Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan proclaimed the Gulf War would be "the War of Armageddon ... the final War."
1991 Menachem Schneerson, a Russian-born rabbi, called for the Messiah to come by September 9, 1991, the start of the Jewish New Year.
1992 A Korean group called Mission for the Coming Days had the Korea Church an uproar in the fall of 1992. They foresaw October 28, 1992 as the date for the rapture. Numerology was the basis for the date. Several camera shots that left ghostly images on pictures were thought to be a supernatural confirmation of the date.
1993 If the year 2000 is the end of the 6,000-year cycle, then the rapture must take place in 1993, because you would need seven years of the tribulation. This was the thinking of a number of prophecy writers.
1994 In the book, 1994: The Year of Destiny , F. M. Riley foretold of God's plan to rapture His people. The name of his ministry is “The Last Call,” and he operates out of Missouri.
1994 Pastor John Hinkle of Christ Church in Los Angeles caused quite a stir when he announced he had received a vision from God that warned of apocalyptic event on June 9, 1994. Hinkle, quoting God, said, "On Thursday June the 9th, I will rip the evil out of this world." At the time, I knew Hinkle's vision didn't match up with Scripture. From a proper reading of Bible prophecy, the only thing that God could possibly rip from the earth would be the Christian Church, and I don't think God would refer to the Church as "evil." Some people tried to interpret Hinkle's unscriptural vision to mean that God would the rip evil out of our hearts when He raptured us. Well, the date came and went with no heart surgery or rapture.
1994 Harold Camping, in his book Are You Ready?, predicted the Lord would return in September 1994. The book was full of numerology that added up to 1994 as the date of Christ's return.
1994 After promising they would not make anymore end time predictions, the Jehovah's Witnesses fell off the wagon and proclaimed 1994 as the conclusion of an 80-year generation; the year 1914 was the starting point.
1996 This year had a special month, according to one author who foresaw September as the time for our Lord's return. The Church Age will last 2,000 years from the time of Christ's birth in 4 BC.
1996 California psychic Sheldon Nidle predicted the end would come with the convergence of 16 million space ships and a host of angels upon the earth on December 17, 1996. Nidle explained the passing of the date by claiming the angels placed us in a holographic projection to preserve us and give us a second chance.
1997 In regard to 1997, I received several e-mail messages that pointed to this as the year when Jesus would return for His church. Two of the more widely known time frames were Monte Judah's prediction that the tribulation would begin in February/March and another prediction based on numerology and the Psalms that targeted May 14 as the date of the rapture.
1997 When Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat signed their peace pact on the White House lawn on September 13, 1993, some saw the events as the beginning of tribulation. With the signing of the peace agreement, Daniel's 1,260-day countdown was underway. By adding 1,260 days to September 1993, you arrive at February 24, 1997.
1997 Stan Johnson of the Prophecy Club saw a "90 percent" chance that the tribulation would start September 12, 1997. He based his conclusion on several end-time signs: that would be Jesus' 2,000th birthday and it would also be the Day of Atonement, although it wouldn’t be what is currently the Jewish Day of Atonement. Further supporting evidence came from Romanian pastor Dumitru Duduman. In several heavenly visions, Dumitru claimed to have seen the Book of Life. In one of his earlier visions, there were several pages yet to be completed. In his last vision, he noticed the Book of Life only had one page left. Doing some rough calculating, Johnson and friends figured the latest time frame for the completion of the book would have to be September 1997.
1998 Numerology: Because 666 times three equals 1998, some people point to this year as being prophetically significant. Someone called me long distance just so he could pass on to me this earth-shattering news.
1998 A Taiwanese cult operating out of Garland, Texas predicted Christ would return on March 31 of 1998. The group's leader, Heng-ming Chen, announced God would return and then invite the cult members aboard a UFO. The group abandoned their prediction when a precursor event failed to take place. The cult's leader had said that God would appear on every channel 18 of every TV in the world. Maybe God realized at the last minute, the Playboy Network was channel 18 on several cable systems, and He didn't want to have Christians watching a porn channel.
1998 On April 30, 1998, Israel was to turn 50 and many believed this birthday would mark the beginning of the tribulation. The reasoning behind this date has to do with God's age requirement for the priesthood, which is between 30-50.
1998 1998 Marilyn Agee, in her book, The End of the Age, had her sights set on May 31, 1998. This date was to conclude the 6,000-year cycle from the time of Adam. Agee looked for the rapture to take place on Pentecost, which is also known as “the Feast of Weeks.” Another indicator of this date was the fact that the Holy Spirit did not descend upon the apostles until 50 days after Christ's resurrection. Israel was born in 1948; add the 50 days as years and you come up with. After her May 31 rapture date failed, Agee, unable to face up to her error, continued her date setting by using various Scripture references to point to June 7, 14, 21 and about 10 other dates.
1999 Well, you can't call Marilyn Agee a quitter. After bombing out badly several time in 1998, Marilyn set a new date for the rapture: May 21 or 22 of this year.
1999 TV newscaster-turned-psychic Charles Criswell King had said in 1968 that the world as we know it would cease to exist on August 18, 1999.
1999 Philip Berg, a rabbi at the Kabbalah Learning Center in New York, proclaimed that the end might arrive on September 11, 1999, when "a ball of fire will descend . . . destroying almost all of mankind, all vegetation, all forms of life."
2000 Numerology: If you divide 2,000 by 3, you will get the devil's number: 666.66666666666667.
2000 The names of the people and organizations that called for the return of Christ at the turn of the century is too long to be listed here. I would say that if there were a day on which Christ could not return, it must have been January 1, 2000. To come at an unknown time means to come at an unknown time. I think January 2, 2000 would have been a more likely day for Him to call His Church home--right after the big let down.
2000 On May 5, 2000, all of the planets were supposed to have been in alignment. This was said to cause the earth to suffer earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and various other nasty stuff. A similar alignment occurred in 1982 and nothing happened. People failed to realize that the other nine planets only exert a very tiny gravitational pull on the earth. If you were to add up the gravitational force from the rest of the planets, the total would only amount to a fraction of the tug the moon has on the earth.
2000 According to Michael Rood, the end times have a prophetically complicated connection to Israel's spring barley harvest. The Day of the Lord began on May 5, 2000. Rood's fall feast calendar called for the Russian Gog-Magog invasion of Israel to take place at sundown on October 28, 2000.
2000-2001 Dr. Dale SumburËru looked for March 22, 1997 to be "the date when all the dramatic events leading through the tribulation to the return of Christ should begin" The actual date of Christ's return could be somewhere between July 2000 and March 2001. Dr. SumburËru is more general about the timing of Christ's second coming than most writers. He states, "The day the Lord returns is currently unknown because He said [Jesus] these days are cut short and it is not yet clear by how much and in what manner they are cut short. If the above assumptions are not correct, my margin of error would be in weeks, or perhaps months."
2002 Priests from Cuba's Afro-Caribbean Yoruba religion predicted a dramatic year of tragedy and crisis for the world in 2002, ranging from coups and war to disease and flooding.
2004 This date for Jesus' return is based upon psalmology, numerology, the biblical 360 days per year, Jewish holidays, and "biblical astronomy." To figure out this date, you'll need a calculator, a slide rule, and plenty of scratch paper.
2006, June 6, [6-6-06] many are linking these three 6’s on this date to the release of Satanic power and the coming of Antichrist. Since the Holy Spirit residing in the church is who restrains Antichrist this means the church must be raptured before this date.
2011-2018 For the past several decades, Jack Van Impe has hinted at nearly every year as being the time for the rapture. Normally, he has only gone out one or two years from the current calendar year. However, Jack's latest projection for the rapture goes out several years. His new math uses 51 years as the length of a generation. If you add 51 years to 1967, the year Israel recaptured Jerusalem, you get 2018. Once you subtract the seven-year tribulation period, you arrive at 2011.
2012 New Age writers cite Mayan and Aztec calendars that predict the end of the age on December 21, 2012.
2060 Sir Isaac Newton, Britain's greatest scientist, spent 50 years and wrote 4,500 pages trying to predict when the end of the world was coming. The most definitive date he set for the apocalypse, which he scribbled on a scrap of paper, was 2060.
Todd Strandberg, 5/23/2006.
Do The Texts This Cult Uses for Authority Have Integrity?
Is It Safe to Trust Cultic Revelations?
Do Copies Agree With Originals?
This is an examination of the way a purportedly ancient document has been transmitted through the ages into our time (textual transmission see chapters 4 and 5). If we have the original documents we would not need this test. The question this test asks is, "How reliable are the copies we have in regard to the number of manuscripts?" Another related question is, "What is the time element between the original and the earliest existing copy?"
The bibliographic test has been used by scholars throughout the world for thousands of years to evaluate ancient texts. This test is limited. It questions whether the text being examined is the same as the original text as recorded by the author. It does not address any issues about the credibility of the content of that text. This test will work equally well with manuscripts of Homer's Iliad as it will with a book from the Bible.
As we look at this test remember how well the New Testament did: It was written between 40 and 100 A.D. Its earliest copy dated from 125 A.D. This leaves a conservative time span of 25 years at the latest (some scholars believe this period was only 10 or 15 years). The number of copies were numbered at over 24,970. When we compare that record with the next most famous case from antiquity we see Homer's Iliad written in 900 B.C. with the earliest copy dating from 400 B.C. which leaves a timespan of 500 years. The number of copies the Iliad had were 643. No serious critic doubts either of these documents. Go back and study the chapters that review the record of many other ancient writings. Also go back and look at the number of Old and New Testament manuscripts. The Bible is a very unique book.
What Does The Text Say About Itself?
This is an internal test we can make on any cultic revelation by simply reading their English version and the claims they are making about the text.
This test examines the actual content of the text. This test is limited to the text itself. Some rules for this process are important:
a. Aristotle's Rule: when an apparent discrepancy or inaccuracy seems to occur within the text, the benefit of the doubt is always given to the text. Don't rush into judgement before studying this discrepancy which needs to be fully proved or disproved. "One must listen to the claims of the document under analysis, and not assume fraud or error unless the author disqualified himself by contradictions or known factual inaccuracies."
b. Is the author or witness credible? Dr. Louis Gottschalk, professor of history at the University of Chicago outlines his historical method as a guide used by people investigating the credibility of ancient texts. "Gottschalk points out that the ability of the writer or the witness to tell the truth is helpful..." to the persons determining credibility.
c. How close was the author or witness to the events recorded both geographically and chronologically? "The New Testament accounts of the life and teaching of Jesus were recorded by men who had been either eyewitnesses themselves or who related the accounts of eyewitnesses of the actual events or teachings of Jesus."
What Do Other Sources Say About The Cultic Text Being Examined?
This test looks at the text by examining only materials that are external to the text. This means we look at what other historical source materials say about the text. What will these other sources say to substantiate things like "accuracy, reliability, and the authenticity" of the text. Sources we can turn to today to help us understand critical texts are contemporary voices at the time of authoring, ancient histories, archeology, including the way the sciences have improved our ability to judge texts today. A good example is the way DNA can help us judge the goatskin a text was written on . Scientific dating can also help us evealuate the dates texts were written or copied.
Before we move on we need to look at a few more terms.
Accuracy: is in exact conformity to truth, a standard, a rule, or to a model. It is free from all error or defect. It is exact, precise, and correct.
Reliability: this is that confidence that comes when the text has proven satisfactory as to veracity, integrity, and certainty regarding facts or evidence.
Authenticity: means the text is exactly what it purports to be. It is not false or fictitious. It is genuine and valid. When applied to a document it means it can be relied on as narrating real facts.
1. The Book of Mormon does not have an original text we can even use for comparison. They say the “golden plates” were transmitted back to heaven. The Book of Abraham text from the LDS Pearl of Great Price has an original found in the 1960’s but it does not reflect the English translation at all. Most Mormon apologists say Joseph Smith used magic methods to come up with his English Translation. The original is a very familiar text from the Egyptian Book of the Dead which anyone can translate today. Yet Joseph Smith’s English translation looks like it comes out of Smith’s imagination. If you compare the English translation of the Book of the Dead with Smith’s Abraham text there are no agreements except to conclude they both reflect pagan deities foreign to the Bible.
2. The Quran has many doubts about its origin. They have no authoritative autograph.
1. The Book of Mormon was written to be the most correct book on earth over 9,000 corrections in grammar and spelling (as well as changes distorting the original text) later, that claim can be considered ludicrous. It claims to connect our generation to a modern prophet called because historic Christianity apostatized. As we study the life and ministry of Joseph Smith we see him failing all the Biblical tests that define safe prophets to follow. When we compare Mormon Scriptures with themselves they lack the normal harmony we see in the Bible. For example: text after text in their canon refutes polytheism and polygamy yet both are important realities to modern Mormons.
2. Their Doctrine & Covenants D&C, 20:9 claims the Book of Mormon contains all the foundational teachings of Mormonism yet the Book of Mormon refutes polytheism and polygamy D&C 101:4; Jacob 2:23-24 now being promoted D& C 131; 132.
3. Their Book of Abraham also fails these tests scholars have proven it is forgery, merely a pagan text with an entirely false translation. If the prophet Joseph Smith was capable of such deception why should anyone trust the Book of Mormon which lacks a textual background.
1. The Book of Mormon was written to be the most correct book on earth over 9,000 corrections in grammar and spelling (as well as changes distorting the original text) later, that claim can be considered ludicrous. It claims to connect our generation to a modern prophet called because historic Christianity apostatized. As we study the life and ministry of Joseph Smith we see him failing all the Biblical tests that define safe prophets to follow. When we compare Mormon Scriptures with themselves they lack the normal harmony we see in the Bible. For example: text after text in their canon refutes polytheism and polygamy yet both are important realities to modern Mormons.
2. Their Doctrine & Covenants D&C, 20:9 claims the Book of Mormon contains all the foundational teachings of Mormonism yet the Book of Mormon refutes polytheism and polygamy D&C 101:4; Jacob 2:23-24 now being promoted D& C 131; 132.
3. Their Book of Abraham also fails these tests scholars have proven it is forgery, merely a pagan text with an entirely false translation. If the prophet Joseph Smith was capable of such deception why should anyone trust the Book of Mormon which lacks a textual background.
Without making reference to them, your study has applied each of the tests to the Bible. They have offered confirming evidence to the absolute truth of both the Old and New Testaments. Because you can evidence their truthfulness why not trust both its message and its author today. Jesus Christ is the same awesome Savior who was interacting with people in the New Testament.
These are safe tests. Try applying them to any interfaith writings, prophecies or revelations you may have in your library. Are Mormons knocking on your door offering you their Book of Mormon? Apply these Biblical tests to it. Have friends from the Watchtower been offering to have their “Bible Study” with you? Let some truth tests be applied to their tracts and material.
Test for Future Prophets Authoring Revelation
Deut 13:1-5
1. "If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder,
2. and the sign or the wonder comes true, concerning which he spoke to you, saying, "Let us go after other gods (whom you have not known) and let us serve them,'
3. you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams; for the LORD your God is testing you to find out if you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
4. "You shall follow the LORD your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him.
5. "But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has counseled rebellion against the LORD your God who brought you from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, to seduce you from the way in which the LORD your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from among you. (NAU)
Q: as we study false claims for revelation how can John the Baptist's motto inform our faith and practice?
A: John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease. (NAU)
Q: why is Jesus such a safe source after over 2,000 years?
A: Luke 24:27 Then beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted for them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.
Every Jot & Tittle Jesus'Words' Fulfilled
Matt 5:17-19 "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 "Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others {to do} the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches {them} he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (NAU)
A: Matt 16:18 "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. (NAU)
A: if we are built on top of the correct rock Satan will never have lasting victory over us even though he can persecute us from within and without the church.
A: we do not live in a utopian age daily use of God's armor is necessary
God’s Whole Armor
Eph 6:10-20 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual {forces} of wickedness in the heavenly {places.} 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, 15 and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; 16 in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil {one.} 17 And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, 19 and {pray} on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in {proclaiming} it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. (NAU)
P52 John 18:31-33
P52 Onw of the oldest texts from the New Testament. This section of John preserves Jesus talking to Pilate at his final trail. Many date it at AD 110 about 25 years after John wrote.
Study Question: why is this oldest text only a fragment?
A: This period of the church was filled with persecution. It was centuries later after Constantine's conversion that we see the entire Roman Empire used to preserve the New Testament. An early text that is in murch better shape is P46.
Papyrus 46 (also referred to as simply P46) is one of the oldest New Testament manuscripts known to exist, with its 'most probable [creation] date' between 175-225[1]. It was part of the Chester Beatty Papyri. According to the website Bible Research, it contains (in order) "the last eight chapters of Romans; all of Hebrews; virtually all of 1–2 Corinthians; all of Ephesians, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians; and two chapters of 1 Thessalonians. All of the leaves have lost some lines at the bottom through deterioration."[2]
Not Everyone Agrees About These Dates
P46 Date: The manuscript is now dated to about 200 [7]. Young Kyu Kim argued for an earlier date of c. 80.[8] Griffin critiqued and disputed Kim's dating,[9] placing the 'most probable date' between 175-225, with a '95% confidence interval' for a date between 150-250[10]
Similarly Comfort and Barrett[11] show that P46 shares very similar affinities with the following:
P. Oxy. 8 (assigned late first or early second century),
P. Oxy. 841 (the second hand, which cannot be dated later than 125–150),
P. Oxy. 1622 (dated with confidence to pre 148, probably during the reign of Hadrian [117–138], because of the documentary text on the verso),
P. Oxy. 2337 (assigned to the late first century),
P. Oxy. 3721 (assigned to the second half of the second century),
P. Rylands III 550 (assigned to the second century) and
P. Berol. 9810 (early second century).
This, they conclude, points to a date during the middle of the 2nd century for P46.
P46 contains most of the Pauline epistles. Some folios are missing, and the others are currently to be found either in the Chester Beatty Library (CB) or at the University of Michigan (Mich.).
Do The Texts This Cult Uses for Authority Have Integrity?
Is It Safe to Trust Cultic Revelations?
Do Copies Agree With Originals?
This is an examination of the way a purportedly ancient document has been transmitted through the ages into our time (textual transmission see chapters 4 and 5). If we have the original documents we would not need this test. The question this test asks is, "How reliable are the copies we have in regard to the number of manuscripts?" Another related question is, "What is the time element between the original and the earliest existing copy?"
The bibliographic test has been used by scholars throughout the world for thousands of years to evaluate ancient texts. This test is limited. It questions whether the text being examined is the same as the original text as recorded by the author. It does not address any issues about the credibility of the content of that text. This test will work equally well with manuscripts of Homer's Iliad as it will with a book from the Bible.
As we look at this test remember how well the New Testament did: It was written between 40 and 100 A.D. Its earliest copy dated from 125 A.D. This leaves a conservative time span of 25 years at the latest (some scholars believe this period was only 10 or 15 years). The number of copies were numbered at over 24,970. When we compare that record with the next most famous case from antiquity we see Homer's Iliad written in 900 B.C. with the earliest copy dating from 400 B.C. which leaves a timespan of 500 years. The number of copies the Iliad had were 643. No serious critic doubts either of these documents. Go back and study the chapters that review the record of many other ancient writings. Also go back and look at the number of Old and New Testament manuscripts. The Bible is a very unique book.
What Does The Text Say About Itself?
This is an internal test we can make on any cultic revelation by simply reading their English version and the claims they are making about the text.
This test examines the actual content of the text. This test is limited to the text itself. Some rules for this process are important:
a. Aristotle's Rule: when an apparent discrepancy or inaccuracy seems to occur within the text, the benefit of the doubt is always given to the text. Don't rush into judgement before studying this discrepancy which needs to be fully proved or disproved. "One must listen to the claims of the document under analysis, and not assume fraud or error unless the author disqualified himself by contradictions or known factual inaccuracies."
b. Is the author or witness credible? Dr. Louis Gottschalk, professor of history at the University of Chicago outlines his historical method as a guide used by people investigating the credibility of ancient texts. "Gottschalk points out that the ability of the writer or the witness to tell the truth is helpful..." to the persons determining credibility.
c. How close was the author or witness to the events recorded both geographically and chronologically? "The New Testament accounts of the life and teaching of Jesus were recorded by men who had been either eyewitnesses themselves or who related the accounts of eyewitnesses of the actual events or teachings of Jesus."
What Do Other Sources Say About The Cultic Text Being Examined?
This test looks at the text by examining only materials that are external to the text. This means we look at what other historical source materials say about the text. What will these other sources say to substantiate things like "accuracy, reliability, and the authenticity" of the text. Sources we can turn to today to help us understand critical texts are contemporary voices at the time of authoring, ancient histories, archeology, including the way the sciences have improved our ability to judge texts today. A good example is the way DNA can help us judge the goatskin a text was written on . Scientific dating can also help us evealuate the dates texts were written or copied.
Before we move on we need to look at a few more terms.
Accuracy: is in exact conformity to truth, a standard, a rule, or to a model. It is free from all error or defect. It is exact, precise, and correct.
Reliability: this is that confidence that comes when the text has proven satisfactory as to veracity, integrity, and certainty regarding facts or evidence.
Authenticity: means the text is exactly what it purports to be. It is not false or fictitious. It is genuine and valid. When applied to a document it means it can be relied on as narrating real facts.
1. The Book of Mormon does not have an original text we can even use for comparison. They say the “golden plates” were transmitted back to heaven. The Book of Abraham text from the LDS Pearl of Great Price has an original found in the 1960’s but it does not reflect the English translation at all. Most Mormon apologists say Joseph Smith used magic methods to come up with his English Translation. The original is a very familiar text from the Egyptian Book of the Dead which anyone can translate today. Yet Joseph Smith’s English translation looks like it comes out of Smith’s imagination. If you compare the English translation of the Book of the Dead with Smith’s Abraham text there are no agreements except to conclude they both reflect pagan deities foreign to the Bible.
2. The Quran has many doubts about its origin. They have no authoritative autograph.
1. The Book of Mormon was written to be the most correct book on earth over 9,000 corrections in grammar and spelling (as well as changes distorting the original text) later, that claim can be considered ludicrous. It claims to connect our generation to a modern prophet called because historic Christianity apostatized. As we study the life and ministry of Joseph Smith we see him failing all the Biblical tests that define safe prophets to follow. When we compare Mormon Scriptures with themselves they lack the normal harmony we see in the Bible. For example: text after text in their canon refutes polytheism and polygamy yet both are important realities to modern Mormons.
2. Their Doctrine & Covenants D&C, 20:9 claims the Book of Mormon contains all the foundational teachings of Mormonism yet the Book of Mormon refutes polytheism and polygamy D&C 101:4; Jacob 2:23-24 now being promoted D& C 131; 132.
3. Their Book of Abraham also fails these tests scholars have proven it is forgery, merely a pagan text with an entirely false translation. If the prophet Joseph Smith was capable of such deception why should anyone trust the Book of Mormon which lacks a textual background.
1. The Book of Mormon was written to be the most correct book on earth over 9,000 corrections in grammar and spelling (as well as changes distorting the original text) later, that claim can be considered ludicrous. It claims to connect our generation to a modern prophet called because historic Christianity apostatized. As we study the life and ministry of Joseph Smith we see him failing all the Biblical tests that define safe prophets to follow. When we compare Mormon Scriptures with themselves they lack the normal harmony we see in the Bible. For example: text after text in their canon refutes polytheism and polygamy yet both are important realities to modern Mormons.
2. Their Doctrine & Covenants D&C, 20:9 claims the Book of Mormon contains all the foundational teachings of Mormonism yet the Book of Mormon refutes polytheism and polygamy D&C 101:4; Jacob 2:23-24 now being promoted D& C 131; 132.
3. Their Book of Abraham also fails these tests scholars have proven it is forgery, merely a pagan text with an entirely false translation. If the prophet Joseph Smith was capable of such deception why should anyone trust the Book of Mormon which lacks a textual background.
Without making reference to them, your study has applied each of the tests to the Bible. They have offered confirming evidence to the absolute truth of both the Old and New Testaments. Because you can evidence their truthfulness why not trust both its message and its author today. Jesus Christ is the same awesome Savior who was interacting with people in the New Testament.
These are safe tests. Try applying them to any interfaith writings, prophecies or revelations you may have in your library. Are Mormons knocking on your door offering you their Book of Mormon? Apply these Biblical tests to it. Have friends from the Watchtower been offering to have their “Bible Study” with you? Let some truth tests be applied to their tracts and material.
Test for Future Prophets Authoring Revelation
Deut 13:1-5
1. "If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder,
2. and the sign or the wonder comes true, concerning which he spoke to you, saying, "Let us go after other gods (whom you have not known) and let us serve them,'
3. you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams; for the LORD your God is testing you to find out if you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
4. "You shall follow the LORD your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him.
5. "But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has counseled rebellion against the LORD your God who brought you from the land of Egypt and redeemed you from the house of slavery, to seduce you from the way in which the LORD your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from among you. (NAU)
Q: as we study false claims for revelation how can John the Baptist's motto inform our faith and practice?
A: John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease. (NAU)
Q: why is Jesus such a safe source after over 2,000 years?
A: Luke 24:27 Then beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted for them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.
Every Jot & Tittle Jesus'Words' Fulfilled
Matt 5:17-19 "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 "For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 "Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others {to do} the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches {them} he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (NAU)
A: Matt 16:18 "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. (NAU)
A: if we are built on top of the correct rock Satan will never have lasting victory over us even though he can persecute us from within and without the church.
A: we do not live in a utopian age daily use of God's armor is necessary
God’s Whole Armor
Eph 6:10-20 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual {forces} of wickedness in the heavenly {places.} 13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, 15 and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; 16 in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil {one.} 17 And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints, 19 and {pray} on my behalf, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in {proclaiming} it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. (NAU)
P52 John 18:31-33
P52 Onw of the oldest texts from the New Testament. This section of John preserves Jesus talking to Pilate at his final trail. Many date it at AD 110 about 25 years after John wrote.
Study Question: why is this oldest text only a fragment?
A: This period of the church was filled with persecution. It was centuries later after Constantine's conversion that we see the entire Roman Empire used to preserve the New Testament. An early text that is in murch better shape is P46.
Papyrus 46 (also referred to as simply P46) is one of the oldest New Testament manuscripts known to exist, with its 'most probable [creation] date' between 175-225[1]. It was part of the Chester Beatty Papyri. According to the website Bible Research, it contains (in order) "the last eight chapters of Romans; all of Hebrews; virtually all of 1–2 Corinthians; all of Ephesians, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians; and two chapters of 1 Thessalonians. All of the leaves have lost some lines at the bottom through deterioration."[2]
Not Everyone Agrees About These Dates
P46 Date: The manuscript is now dated to about 200 [7]. Young Kyu Kim argued for an earlier date of c. 80.[8] Griffin critiqued and disputed Kim's dating,[9] placing the 'most probable date' between 175-225, with a '95% confidence interval' for a date between 150-250[10]
Similarly Comfort and Barrett[11] show that P46 shares very similar affinities with the following:
P. Oxy. 8 (assigned late first or early second century),
P. Oxy. 841 (the second hand, which cannot be dated later than 125–150),
P. Oxy. 1622 (dated with confidence to pre 148, probably during the reign of Hadrian [117–138], because of the documentary text on the verso),
P. Oxy. 2337 (assigned to the late first century),
P. Oxy. 3721 (assigned to the second half of the second century),
P. Rylands III 550 (assigned to the second century) and
P. Berol. 9810 (early second century).
This, they conclude, points to a date during the middle of the 2nd century for P46.
P46 contains most of the Pauline epistles. Some folios are missing, and the others are currently to be found either in the Chester Beatty Library (CB) or at the University of Michigan (Mich.).
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